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[MUSIC PLAYING] JULIA BRENNAN: In our final example, example number nine, you'll notice that we've got an artwork and a musical composition all rolled into the one. It's called [? Simfun. ?] It's by a composer and an artist called Sisman, and it's actually a graphic notation depiction of music. It's very interesting to watch.

Don't give the students too much information before they watch it. Let them discuss that afterwards, but you'll notice things like big shapes when there's a loud sound. You'll notice that the movement is from left to right. You'll notice that the pitch goes up and down with various lines. So it's really a big focus on line and matching that to sound.

Now, we can relate that a lot to artworks such as the artworks of Paul Klee and also Tony Tuckson and people like that who also really rely a lot on line and use a lot of line in their artworks. But it's very interesting to watch, and it'll be really engaging for the students. Because as we know, they are all digital natives and so interested in digital technology.

End of transcript

Content updated - 22 March 2020