Video transcript

Malinowski and J. S. Bach

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[MUSIC PLAYING] JULIA BRENNAN: In example number eight, we've got a depiction of a J.S. Bach concerto for oboe and violin done with some computer animation by Malinowski.

Now, in this you'll notice that we've got a line moving from left to right. It goes up and down according to the pitch. And as it's lying horizontally, it's showing the duration of the notes. We've also got different colors for the instruments and different thicknesses of the line.

Have the students watch the animation and listen to the music, because they play at the same time. And then stop it and just have a discussion about what they noticed, what they heard, what sort of things might be in a key or a legend if there was to be one to go with this. Are the color choices correct for the instruments in the students opinion? Why or why not?

There's lots of really big questions that can come out of this and lots of mathematical discussion and some real critical thinking that can go on.

End of transcript

Content updated - 22 March 2020