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[MUSIC PLAYING] JULIA BRENNAN: Welcome to The Sound of Art. My name is Julia Brennan, and I'm Creative Arts Advisor for K-6. In this resource, you'll find some links that have come from an idea brought about by the ACO, or the Australian Chamber Orchestra. They worked together with a composer, an artist, and a musician called Sharon Rothman, who lives in America, and she came up with some fabulous ideas that we've now adapted for the New South Wales context.

In this, you'll find lots of lovely links between music and visual artworks in ways that music and art work together really beautifully. The program is extensive. You don't have to do it in its entirety and in the way that it's written. You can choose which parts you'd like to start with, and even leave some parts out if you don't want to. The overall end product, though, is an exhibition based on the idea of the pictures at an exhibition.

You'll notice within the resource that a lot of the key questions are around, does music sound like art? And how does art look like music? So they're quite thought-provoking questions that will really get your students thinking, and get you thinking and engaged in the activities. Throughout the resource, we've got hyperlinks, and we've also got links to Spotify. If you're not wanting to use Spotify, that's fine. Just click on the hyperlinks that are embedded in the program. That way, you can see the artworks and you can hear the music.

The idea is that you listen to the pieces of music-- not in their entirety, because some of them are quite long, up to 70 minutes. You just choose a small amount, maybe 30 seconds to a minute, depending on your students, but they must be focused in that time, focused on the listening. Not doing something else but really focusing and listening to the pieces of music. And then, at the same time, you can start getting the artworks ready in the background so that the students can then have a look at the artworks, once they've listened to the music, and compare notes. So work out how does the music and how does the art link in together. So we'll walk you through all of that process.

End of transcript

Content updated - 22 March 2020