The Arts Unit Creative Teachers

Preparing the voice

A terrific way to prepare the vocal cords for singing is by using exercises that incorporate humming, sirens or lip trills. These are a gentle way to warm up all parts of the vocal range and develop resonance.

Preparing the voice examples

The following 4 videos and accompanying notes have been provided as examples of exercises you can do with your choir to warm up the voice.


In the sheet music example, this exercise is illustrated using middle C as the starting note, then B (above middle C) as the starting note.

A snippet of sheet music illustrating the 'Sliding' instructions.

Sliding – sheet music example



In the sheet music example, this exercise is illustrated using middle C as the starting note, then B♭ (above middle C) as the starting note.

A snippet of sheet music illustrating the 'Humming exercise' instructions.

Humming exercise – sheet music example


Starting on middle C, sing the notes C, E, C, G, C, C5, C using an 'ooh' sound. The intervals for this exercise are 1, 3, 1, 5, 1, 8, 1. Repeat the entire pattern moving up one semitone on each repetition: C, C, D. 

Note: C5 is an octave above middle C. 

In the sheet music example, this exercise is illustrated using middle C as the starting note.

A snippet of sheet music illustrating the ‘Ooh intervals' instructions.

Ooh intervals – sheet music example

Preparing the voice instructions

You may like to download and print out Preparing the voice (PDF 254 KB) to keep as a resource in your choir folder. 

Prepaing the voice.pdf
Wide shot of the combined primary choir performing with orchestral accompaniment.

Festival of Choral Music 2017, Sydney Opera House, photo: Anna Warr