The Arts Unit Creative Teachers

Just Macbeth!

Watch and perform with the NSW Public Schools Drama Company 2022

Student resource developed by The Arts Unit 

Years 6 to 9 drama and English

Welcome to Just Macbeth! by Andy Griffiths

Produced by The Arts Unit, NSW Department of Education, in association with Bell Shakespeare and the National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA)

The cast of Just Macbeth! stand triumphantly on stage with fists raised in the air at the end of the play.

The cast of Just Macbeth!, photo: Anna Warr


Jane Simmons, drama performance officer at The Arts Unit, welcomes you to the show. 

Duration: 01:12

What will I learn?   

The Arts Unit is proud to partner with NIDA and Bell Shakespeare to present the 2022 NSW Public Schools Drama Company performance of Andy Griffiths' Just Macbeth! 

In this lesson, you will:

Promotional poster featuring a cartoon-style illustration of a king's head floating over a splash of blood.

Just Macbeth! promotional poster, design: Lliam Amor

Danny, Andy and Lisa are meant to be studying Shakespeare’s Macbeth, but what happens when they find themselves so immersed in the play that they are actually the play? 

Add in some witches, Wizz Fizz, murder and mayhem and be entertained by Shakespeare’s tragedy in a delightful and dastardly way.

Before you begin

The cast on stage listens to notes from the director.

The cast of Just Macbeth! with director Sophie Kelly, photo: Anna Warr

You will need:

The performance

The following recorded performance of Just Macbeth! can be viewed by students in the classroom and used as a stimulus for further classroom discussions and activities. See the 2 additional pages for further resources to complement this performance.

Performance (20-minute cut-down)

Duration: 20:13

The Arts Unit gratefully acknowledges the support of Bell Shakespeare and Andy Griffiths for granting the performance rights to this production of Just Macbeth! 

Please note: this video may not be recorded, distributed, downloaded, copied in any way, or shared. 

Meet the company and playwright

The following 2 videos include a post-performance question and answer session and an interview with the playwright, Andy Griffiths, from the 2022 NSW Public Schools Drama Company Just Macbeth! production.

Further resources

We encourage you to explore The Arts Unit's extensive library of digital resources

The following related resources are a great place to start!

Third-party content attributions

Just Macbeth! promotional poster, designer: Lliam Amor, © Lliam Amor, 2022, reproduced and communicated with permission.