@The Arts Unit Creative Classes

Join the circus

Learn about different circus skills and create a short performance

Student dance, drama and PDHPE resource developed by The Arts Unit

Years 3 to 6 dance, drama and PDHPE

What will I learn?

You will:

  • explore the art of circus

  • identify circus skills

  • analyse how skills are learnt

  • learn and perform a short circus routine.

Before you begin

For the lesson, you’ll need:

  • a device to watch the videos

  • a pencil and paper to record your answers to the questions.

For the circus skills, you’ll need some of the following:

  • lots of space to move around safely

  • 3 scarves (you can also use tissues)

  • 2 tennis balls

  • 1 hula hoop

  • 1 spinning staff (or an object that is similar, for example, a broom handle).

Safety tips for online movement classes if you wish to participate

When you decide to take part in these activities you agree to the following:

  1. You have been given approval from your parent/caregiver prior

  1. You will clear a spot big enough to give you space to move around. Be sure there are no coffee tables, plants or chairs in the way.

  1. Be aware of any pets or small humans that may sneak into your dance space.

  1. Check the height of ceiling fans and light fittings so the area is clear as you reach above your head.

  1. You will wear comfortable clothing that allows a full range of movement.

  1. This will include appropriate footwear:

  • Sneakers, socks, ballet slippers, jazz shoes or bare feet.

  • You may have to adjust based on the flooring you are dancing on.

  • Bare feet may be better than ballet slippers on a slippery floor. Socks may be better on carpet.

  1. Be careful if you are on a rug on a slippery floor.

If you have an injury or a medical condition please follow the advice of your health professional. It is suggested you view the exercises beforehand and adjust according to your limitations. Ask your parent/caregiver if you are unsure.

Please stay safe, listen carefully to all the instructions.

If you study dance please think about your knowledge of safe dance practice as you execute the instructions.

  1. Explore

Explore the art of circus!

Watch this video to see different circus skills being practised and performed.

There are many different circus skills. Some you may be familiar with, some you may not have seen before!

Inside the National Centre for Circus Arts

Duration: 01:32

Scroll through the photo galleries of students from NSW public schools performing at Schools Spectacular to learn the names of some popular circus skills.

General circus skills

Aerial circus skills

2. Identify

Watch the circus performances from the 2018 and 2019 Schools Spectacular.

Identify and write down the different circus skills you can see being performed the following 2 images.

Image 1

Alt text: Students in a circus scene. Some students are juggling, balancing on balls, balancing on chairs or are on unicycles. Other students are using stilts, hoops and spinning staffs. The rest of the circus students are performing adagio and contortion.

Image 2

Student playing the violin with students performing circus acts behind her. Four students are performing on aerial silks. Other students are performing on aerial rings or are hand balancing on canes.

3. Analyse

Meet the circus performers from Schools Spectacular 2018.

Select the videos to see how the students learnt each skill:

Think about what you would need to practise in order to become better at different circus skills.

List which circus skills would be improved if you practised the following:

  • flexibility

  • balance

  • hand-eye coordination

  • upper body strength (arms, shoulders and back)

  • core strength (stomach and back)

  • teamwork.

Think about and write down your answers to the following questions:

  • How did the students learn new circus skills?

  • How did they continue to get better so they could perform difficult skills?

4. Learn and perform

Watch the videos and try to learn some or all of these circus skills!

Don’t forget, you can pause and replay the videos as many times as you need to.

Before you begin, make sure you have a safe space to practise. You don’t want to trip or knock into anything! You will also need to make sure you are wearing clothes and shoes that you can move safely in.


Duration: 03:47


  • 3 scarves (or you can use tissues)

  • 2 tennis balls (or soft, small balls).

Balance and stretch

Duration: 13:08


  • space on the floor.


Duration: 04:43


  • 1 hula hoop

  • lots of space.

Spinning staff

Duration: 02:49


  • 1 staff (or a similar object, such as a broom handle)

  • lots of space.

Once you’ve practised, see if you can perform a few circus skills together in a short routine. Your routine should be about 1 minute long.

You might like to perform your routine to music. Your teacher will let you know where and when you could perform!

Time to join the circus!


You have completed this @The Arts Unit Creative Class.

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Join the circus - Years 3-6 dance, drama, PDHPE
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ME3PO - Creative arts with aliens - Years 3-6 drama, music and visual arts
Boy overboard - Years 5-6 dance
Star power dance - Years 5-6 dance
Disco dancing - K-6 dance
Oh, The Thinks You Can Think! - Year 5-6 dance

Third-party content attributions

  • Schools Spectacular images, photographer: Anna Warr.