Digital @ The Arts Unit Creative Classes

Don't Stop Me Now

Apply the elements of dance as you learn, perform and analyse a jazz dance

Student dance resource developed by The Arts Unit

Years 9 and 10 dance

What will I learn?

Don’t Stop Me Now is a jazz dance tutorial from Schools Spectacular choreographer, Kira Nelson.

You will:

  • identify and perform a warm-up and cool-down

  • relate and apply understanding of safe dance practice while acquiring movement skill

  • control locomotor and non-locomotor combinations when performing extended sequences

  • apply the elements of space, time and dynamics to dance performance to personalise dance movement.

Photographer: Anna Warr

Before you begin

You will need:

  • an open space to dance safely

  • document or slide presentation software.

Safety tips for online movement classes if you wish to participate

When you decide to take part in these activities you agree to the following:

  1. You have been given approval from your parent/caregiver prior

  1. You will clear a spot big enough to give you space to move around. Be sure there are no coffee tables, plants or chairs in the way.

  1. Be aware of any pets or small humans that may sneak into your dance space.

  1. Check the height of ceiling fans and light fittings so the area is clear as you reach above your head.

  1. You will wear comfortable clothing that allows a full range of movement.

  1. This will include appropriate footwear:

  • Sneakers, socks, ballet slippers, jazz shoes or bare feet.

  • You may have to adjust based on the flooring you are dancing on.

  • Bare feet may be better than ballet slippers on a slippery floor. Socks may be better on carpet.

  1. Be careful if you are on a rug on a slippery floor.

If you have an injury or a medical condition please follow the advice of your health professional. It is suggested you view the exercises beforehand and adjust according to your limitations. Ask your parent/caregiver if you are unsure.

Please stay safe, listen carefully to all the instructions.

If you study dance please think about your knowledge of safe dance practice as you execute the instructions.

  1. Learn

Watch the 'Don’t Stop Me Now’ jazz dance tutorial from Kira Nelson from the 2019 Schools Spectacular and follow her teacher instructions to learn the movements.

Don't Stop Me Now dance tutorial

Duration: 20:10

Here are some screenshots to assist you with learning the sequence:

Demonstrating a push with right leg stepped back in lunge position and two hands stretched outwards in a 'push' facing the front


Jump and extend both arms and legs with wrists flexed.


Bring left hand down to meet right hand in a clap and face your right leg which is bent at the knee.


Leading with the left arm, swing arms upwards in front of the body to completely face the left-hand side standing upright.

Windmill side

Step to the right, click with both hands stretched above head and then swing hands in front and behind the body with a click, alternating stepping from left to right.

Step click

4 counts of 'party' - alternating arms raised and stepping.


Jump and push arms and legs out in a cross shape.


Swing arms around body to face the left hand side with a bent knee.


Swing to the right hand side with the left arm extended ahead in a 'push'


Swing the extended arm around in front of the body to spin and face the right hand side in a 360 degree turn

Around side

Step to the right and lift the left leg in the air bent with a throw punch of the arm and repeat on the other side. With left arm leading and extended outwards, walk clockwise in a circle for 4 counts.

Step throw

Facing the front, bend your left arm and extend fingers to mimic a phone.


Step right foot forwards, and bring forearm in front of the upper body


Step the left foot forward and bring other forearm in front of the body to make an X shape.


Step back foot forward and bring both bent arms in line with the shoulders to point with thumbs towards body for 'me'.


Stretch both arms outwards in a circle and back in towards your centre with both thumbs up.

Circle in

Tilt head to left hand side and invert elbows and feet.

Out in

Repeat movements for 'Don't stop me' and then jump feet out wide and extend both arms stretched out with thumbs up from left hand side to right. End with two slow party counts and 4 quicker party movement counts

Repeat round

Record yourself performing the movement sequence.

You will need this recording of your performance in activity 4.

2. Explain

A warm-up and cool-down are essential to safe dance practice.

Explain why the choreographer has chosen these specific movements for your warm-up and cool-down.

In your answer, you should use specific examples from the tutorial you just completed.

Here are some screenshots to get you started.

Step legs more than shoulder width apart and stretch neck.
Side body stretch with one arm in the air
Lean head to one side and flex the hand on the same side.
Stretch both arms upwards
Cross body shoulder stretch
Lean over at the hips to hold your leg and switch to the other side
Leaning over at the hips, hold onto the backs of both legs
Rising half-way at the hips, stretch arms out forwards
Leaning forward, place one hand on the ground and the other in the air

3. Discuss

Dance technique

Dance technique is an important part of dance performance. Discuss your ability to maintain correct body alignment and placement while executing the jazz dance tutorial.

  • Evaluate the role of strength, flexibility and coordination in acquiring dance technique, in relation to the jazz dance tutorial you have completed.

Performance quality

Performance quality plays an essential role in communicating the choreographer's intent to an audience.

  • What do you think Kira’s intent was?

  • How did she ask you to move in order to show this?

  • Discuss how musicality in dance performance contributes to its interpretation.

4. Reflect

Watch your recorded performance.

Reflect on your ability as a dancer to:

  • control locomotor and non-locomotor combinations when performing extended sequences

  • demonstrate an understanding of the basic principles of anatomical structure while acquiring movement skill

  • apply the elements of space, time and dynamics to personalise dance movement.

In your answers, use appropriate dance terminology when describing dance technique, performance quality and safe dance practice.

5. Appreciate

Watch the video of the 2019 Schools Spectacular Featured Jazz Ensemble perform Don’t Stop Me Now, choreographed by Kira.

Schools Spectacular 2019 Don't Stop Me Now

Duration: 03:24


You have completed this

Digital @ The Arts Unit Creative Class.

Third-party content attributions

  • Schools Spectacular 2019 images, photography by Anna Warr.