Pitch and harmony


Melodies often have chords or other harmonies to accompany them.

Chords are often 3 or more notes played together. 

Chords are often softer in dynamic than the melody, in order to let the melody stand out as the main musical feature. 

This is a colourful representation of notes in a scale. 

Click on the pink plus icon to learn about what each colorful representation means.

In western cultures, some chords are described as major or minor. Most western music uses a mixture of major and minor chords in the chord progression. These chords are labelled consonant, meaning stable and relaxed.

When two notes are played together and clash uncomfortably it is called dissonance. The intervals that feel dissonant vary between cultures and centuries. 

Activity 1

Task 1

As you listen to the audio in the video below:

Guitar chords for the facial response

Duration 0:59

Task 2

Share a keyboard or pitched percussion instrument with another person. 

Task 3

Experiment with chords and harmony on keyboard or pitched percussion. 

Try to find 3 different notes that sound familiar or comfortable when played at the same time.