The Ryde Community inFocus is a simple way of communicating some insights and observations from the weeks past. It is written to celebrate and share the work that we do and to connect with community around some thoughts and insights into the learning culture at Ryde Public School.
Our School Vision
Lifelong learners- How good can we be? Strive today, succeed tomorrow
At Ryde Public School we believe that every student should be challenged to learn and continually improve in a respectful, inclusive and engaging environment of high expectations.
Our vision is to be partners in learning and collaboratively empower all students to become confident, resilient, self-directed and successful learners.
Wellbeing is the bedrock for all activities across all strategic improvement strategies, reflecting our core beliefs that success and acceptance breeds a culture where all stakeholders feel valued and cared for and prepared to take on challenge.
Lifelong learning, excellence, and happiness are the states of mind promoted in classrooms with the ever present question of 'How good can we be?' being asked across our community daily.
School Holidays 30 September - 11 October
Students Return Monday 14 October
.......and this is what parents are saying about Ryde Public School:
"Teachers are so supportive in regards to my child’s learning and development"
"My kid's teacher always has a happy face and positive energy, I really appreciate her efforts. "
"The teaching staff are always able to share personalised and easy to understand feedback on my child's academic and social progress at school. I’m always impressed with the quality of teachers at RPS"
"________ is lovely. Engaged, responsive and genuinely invested in the children in her class"
"_____________ were so friendly and kind that made me feel safe and welcome. They shared their insights and perspectives on my child's learning and I could tell how much they care and how well they are equipped with professional knowledge. I really appreciate their hard work and love for our children"
School Captains' Report
In week 6, the Stage 3 Student Representative Council and P&C organised the Father’s Day and Special Carer’s day stall. They sold a variety of items, that included a furry bear, board games, and a lot more, being priced from $1.50 to $6. The stall not only fostered a spirit of giving and appreciation but also encouraged teamwork among the SRC members, as they worked together to set up, manage sales and ensure a positive experience to everyone involved. The event was a great success, highlighting the importance of recognising the special people in our lives.
In week 8, we had Pyjama day, where students were encouraged to wear their favourite sleepwear, or just some comfortable clothes. This fun event aimed to foster a sense of community and belonging among students. Pyjama Day not only brought excitement, but also provided an opportunity to discuss important themes like self-care and comfort. Overall, the day was a delightful way to create lasting memories within the school community.
On Monday in week 9, our school’s Senior Choir and Senior Dance students had the opportunity of a lifetime, to perform at the Ryde Performing Arts Festival at the Sydney Opera House.
The combined choir, made up of 17 schools performed 11 songs centred around the theme of “Journeys”. The Senior Dance group also performed to ‘Choose Your Fighter’ by Ava Max. The Senior Dance Group was made of three different dance styles including Jazz, Lyrical and HipHop. Alice Lee from 5T performed a stunning piano rendition of ‘Diamonds on the water’. The night ended with all of the dance groups and choir coming together to perform two incredible finale songs, ‘Oye’ and ‘Rip Up the Recipe’.
On Tuesday of week 10, we had our end-of-term assemblies. Students received awards for demonstrating the 3Rs: Respect, Responsibility, and Resilience. Students from K-6 performed songs that they had been learning throughout the term. These assemblies were a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the hard work and dedication displayed by everyone throughout the term.
By Jayden, Oliver, Sophie and Summer
Attendance Matters!
We want to do all we can to be sure your child achieves their potential and enjoys being in school.
We know that school is the best place to learn. By attending school every day your child will get the most out of their learning and improve their career and life options.
When your child is absent it is important you let the school know, including the reason why, on the day or the day before. This helps make sure we know where our students are and offer support for you and your family if needed.
If you are having trouble getting your child to school every day or on time, please talk to our school staff so we can work together, because every day counts.
Missing a day here or there may not seem like much, but absences add up and can negatively impact your child’s learning and wellbeing. When your child misses one day per fortnight, that's 4 weeks of missed learning in one year. Over an entire school journey this adds up to 1 year of lost learning.
COVID-19 is still circulating in the community. We can all minimise the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases by maintaining good hygiene practices at home and school.
Please contact the school if your child needs to miss school for any reason, so we can plan continued support for your child’s learning and wellbeing.
Release of new Ryde Communication Guidelines
In August 2022, Ryde Public School had the opportunity to participate in a Community Engagement project with Woolcott, a contracted research company working with the Department of Education. The goal was to enhance our understanding of how we, as a school community, can collaborate to support your child's learning and wellbeing. One of the key recommendations from the study was the creation of a Communication Guidelines. Following Woolcott's consultation framework, we gathered feedback from the community through various workshops and surveys. After developing a draft document, we engaged with the P&C for further feedback. We are delighted to now share the finalised Ryde PS Communications Guideline with the community. You can access the guideline through this link, and it is also available on the school website ( for your convenience.
The Best Education Money Can't Buy...You can find it here at Ryde PS.
For 175 years, NSW public schools have been at the heart of education, preparing today’s children to succeed and build better communities for tomorrow.
We do this every day at Ryde Public School by ensuring that students are at the heart of everything we do.
So for the best education money can't buy, choose your local public school.
Find out more:
Did you know you can still enrol your child in Ryde Public School for 2024 classes?
If you have a friend or a neighbour who is unsure about enrolment eligibility, please share this link or tell them to call us. We are here to help!
Special Events at Ryde....
Inclusive School Sport Ten Bin Bowling Competition
Four students from the Diverse Learning Space attended the annual Inclusive School Sport Ten Pin Bowling Competition on the 19th of September. We caught a public bus to and from school so that we could practice before going to high school. The competition was held at Strike Bowling in Macquarie and we versed schools all around the Metropolitan North district. The students demonstrated some spectacular bowing skills with some of us getting spares and strikes! We cheered each other on and had the best day. Bring on next year's competition!
Comfy Clothes Day
On Thursday 12th September, students had the opportunity to wear their pyjamas and comfy clothes to school. We got to see so many animal onesies, fluffy slippers, soft robes and a lot of Harry Potter pyjamas. It was great to see so many students enjoying their comfy clothes! The amazing donations from students raised $408 to go towards supporting the year 6 farewell later this year.
Marsden High School Science Excursion
On Wednesday the 4th of September, 25 students from Year 5 were given the opportunity to partake in some Science experiments at Marsden High School. Some of these experiments included Ink on Leaf, Dry Ice, Flame Test, Growing Crystals, Mini Volcano and many more!
The Dry Ice experiment was really popular amongst the students. The Marsden High School students demonstrated how dry ice could transform the colour of the chemical inside the jar. They also showed us a dry ice bubble and it was so satisfying when we popped it. We learnt about the dangers of dry ice and how to keep safe when around it.
The Flame Test experiment was one of the best experiments of the lot. As we stuck different chemical compounds on paddle-pop sticks and hovered them over a bunsen burner, we saw the flame change to different vibrant colours. Strontium produced a reddish flame, while Copper Sulfate made a green-blue flame. It was an experiment that excited many as everyone saw new chemicals mixing with the erupting flame.
The Year 5 students had lots of fun in the Science Labs at Marsden High School.
By Isabella and Christian
Ryde Performing Arts Festival
On Monday 16th September, 2024 Ryde Public Schools Senior Dance Group and 29 of the Senior Choir students headed to the Sydney Opera House to perform in the 2024 Ryde Schools Performing Arts Festival.
The Choir Group enthusiastically performed 11 different songs showcasing the skills they have practised and developed this year. Whilst the Dance group showcased their dance “The Power Of Synergy”. The students then all came together to sing and dance in the show’s Finale, which was a fun way to end the night.
One of our Year 5 students, Alice Lee was also selected to perform a piano solo on the night. Alice successfully and gracefully performed “Diamonds on the Water” composed by Wynee-Anne Rossi. We are so proud of all the effort and hard work students have demonstrated this year to help create an amazing and inspiring show. Well done!
Prime Minister's Spelling Bee
This term, Sophie Weng from 5L did a fantastic job competing against students from all around Australia in the National Final of the Prime Minister’s Spelling Bee. She finished 2nd in the state and 6th overall in the country. We are all so proud of her awesome achievement!
FREE Bike Skills Course this coming Spring Holidays
Thanks to a partnership between Transport for NSW and the NSW Department of Education, a FREE bike skills course will be offered at Ryde Public School for children aged 10 to 12 this coming Spring school holidays on Saturday, 28 September 2024, 10am - 12pm and 1pm - 3pm (2 separate sessions).
Known as AusBike, this national bike education course is tailored for primary school aged children and is aimed at equipping children with the essential skills to ride confidently and safely.
Through this two-hour program for 10 to 12 year olds, students will gain the skills needed to build their confidence and competence, so they can enjoy a life of freedom and adventure on two wheels.
What Students Will Learn:
Helmet Checks: Understanding the importance of proper helmet fit and safety.
Bike Equipment Safety Checks: Ensuring bikes are in good working condition before every ride.
Core4Skills™ Fundamental Bike Riding Skills: Developing balance, control, and coordination through evidence-based methods and activities.
Bike Safety Tips, Tricks & Skills: Practical techniques to navigate various bike riding environments through gamified learning activities.
Road Safety Awareness: Introducing the basics of road safety to keep young riders aware and prepared.
Aligned with the Core4Skills™ methodology and the ACARA curriculum, AusBike offers a comprehensive and enjoyable learning experience that will set children on the path to a lifelong love of bike riding.
Scan the QR code in the poster below to sign up.
Sydney FC Skill School in Term 4
Ryde OSHC is excited to announce that we have partnered with Sydney FC in Term 4 to present the Sydney FC Skill School.
Delivered by Sydney FC coaches, this 8-week program has been designed specifically for children; focusing on a different skill each week!
Weekly sessions will take place at Ryde PS every Monday during our Stay and Play sessions. Parents are able to sign up for as many sessions as they'd like OR sign up for the complete 8-week program and receive a FREE Sydney FC ticket!
This is a great opportunity for the children attending Ryde PS to learn some soccer skills and get involved in an after school activity.
KYDS Mental Health in Schools Webinar
Have you ever felt overwhelmed or concerned about the growing mental health challenges of young people?
Join KYDS Youth Counselling on 22nd Oct (1pm) or 23rd Oct (6:30pm - repeat) for a free webinar on how to implement simple and effective strategies to look after both yourself and the students at your school.
Key takeaways:
✅ The latest research and insights into youth mental health
✅ Effective strategies for building supportive and inclusive classroom environments
✅ Simple one-on-one tools to support individual students
✅ Useful techniques to manage your own anxiety & stress
✅ Signs and symptoms to look out for (and how to respond)
✅ How, why, where and when to access different service pathways
About the organisation:
KYDS has offered free and ongoing counselling to young people and their families since 2005. With offices in Lindfield, Hornsby, Chatswood, Waitara, St Ives, Avalon, Kirribilli, St Ives and Gordon, they deliver around 7500 sessions each year to over 400 families.
There is no GP referral or mental health plan needed, and no limit to the number of sessions. They have also been running school workshops since 2005, delivering to over 50 schools in the area, and regularly offer free webinars for parents, teachers and students.
Register for free using the QR code or link provided below.
What we have to offer....
Last week a message was sent to all parents & carers regarding an upcoming significant change to NSW Department of Education student email accounts.
Starting Day 1 Term 4, students won’t be able to use their student email address to sign up for, or recover access to any social media, gaming, instant messaging or similar accounts.
The department is making this important change to help keep our students safe online, reduce the risk of cyber threats and make sure student email accounts are used for their intended educational purposes only. Using a personal email address for these platforms instead of a student email address reduces the chances of someone gaining access to information in school accounts.
If your child has signed up for a social media, gaming, instant messaging or similar account using their student email address, please change to a personal email address on each platform by Sunday 13 October to make sure they don't lose access to the account. The process will be slightly different for each service, but generally the process is:
1. Log in to each account.
2. Go to the account settings and update the email address to a personal one. You might like to add a mobile number too, if the option is available.
Visual Arts
The Visual Arts Group have been working on a very exciting project called ‘Sculptures of the Sea’. Students have begun getting their hands dirty, learning how to use clay to sculpt sea creatures and coral. The amount of creativity the students have shown is absolutely amazing and we cannot wait to see how their sculptures turn out in the end!
K-2 Junior Choir
We have been delighted to welcome some Kindergarten students into the Junior Choir in recent weeks. These students have agreed to give up their play time every week and have shown that they are able to behave respectfully and responsibly.
3-6 Senior Choir
The Senior Choir has been busy practising for Ryde Performing Arts Festival. The students are working hard to refine the songs and practise the actions that go along with some of them. They are all showing such excitement and enthusiasm towards the performance.
Drama students have been hard at work memorising their lines and experimenting with characterisation for our major performance in term 4. Parents, please encourage your children to rehearse their lines throughout the holidays so that we are ready to work without scripts in term 4!
3-4 Junior Dance
The junior dance group has been working really hard for their upcoming performance. We have started learning a new dance routine while practising Showstoppa. The students have shown enthusiasm and commitment learning and practising both dance routines.
5-6 Senior Dance
After a long rehearsal, the senior dancers performed at the Ryde Performing Arts Festival. The students thoroughly enjoyed themselves and showed lots of enthusiasm, including during the Finale - a collaborative dance with several schools. We are thankful to parents, teachers and principals who were there to experience the momentous occasion. We are happy to say how proud we are of the students' progress, especially for Year 6 as this is their last year at the Ryde Performing Arts Festival. Your ‘finale’ is not over yet!
This term both the Ryde Rattlesnakes and the Ryde Rhinos continued to compete in the Premier's Debating challenge. Both of our teams made a fantastic effort and were able to secure several victories for the school. While the competition might have finished for now, both of our teams are keen to move into next term training and practising for next year! The image below is of our Rattlesnakes following their first victory against Denistone East.
It has continued to be an exciting term in the library with the winning and shortlisted 2024 Children’s Book Council of Australia books, as well as many other new books, now available for loan. Books in languages other than English and the Indigenous collection have reopened as well!
Our library monitors have worked hard to maintain our library throughout the term, ensuring books are reshelved correctly. Two computers have now been set up as dedicated library collection computers. Students can readily access Oliver, the school library management system to search for books and are developing important library and research skills.
Our Book Covering Club has continued to meet on a Wednesday morning between 9:00am-11:00am. We appreciate the dedication and generosity of our parent volunteers, and welcome anyone interested to come along. No special skills or experience required!
New shelving is arriving early next term and we are looking forward to upgrades to the physical space to accommodate our large and ever expanding book collections.
The library has also been used as a rehearsal space this term. Our enthusiastic drama and senior choir ensembles practise during lunch and recess each week.
We are excited for Term 4!
Student Representative Council (SRC)
The SRC and P&C partnered to run the Father’s and Special Carer’s Day stall. As we slowly approached the special day, the Stage 3 SRC students all worked together to prepare for the stall.
On Thursday 29th August, the Stage 3 SRC students sold the gifs to show great gratitude to our fathers and carers. Every gift purchased from the stall is a testament to the gratitude and appreciation we have for our fathers and carers. It’s a small gesture that says, “thank you for everything you do.”
We would like to thank everyone who bought gifts for supporting the Year 6 farewell as well as the P&C for supplying the gifts, all the teachers for organising this and the SRC for helping to sell items. We all hope everyone’s parents and carers had a great day!
By Raleigh, Hansen and Vanessa
Diverse Learners
This term the Diverse Learning students enjoyed having our Community Languages teacher, Ms Peng in our classrooms teaching us Chinese. We have been learning how to count, how to write Chinese characters and we even learnt how to use chopsticks!
We have had lots of fun days at school this term, our favourite being the Pyjama and Comfy Clothes Day which took place in Week 8. It was a great way to raise funds for the Year 6 Farewell.
The Diverse Learning students have a very exciting end to term 3, as we will be going on an excursion on Thursday 26th September. We will be going to a Diverse Learners Multi-Sports Day at PCYC in Marrickville. What a fantastic way to end Term 3 here at the Diverse Learning Space.
Early Stage 1
In week 7 this term, Kindergarten students attended Junkyard Beats, a music incursion, where they were introduced to sustainability and a new way of recycling. Ordinary household items and recycled materials were transformed into musical instruments. Buckets were used as drums, the lids were transformed into cymbals and even the shaking of plastic bags made a unique sound! We had so much fun exploring different ways of making music and being little musicians!
Stage 1
In Term 3, Stage 1 students have enjoyed learning about music using interactive and curriculum-based lessons from our new platform, Amplify. These lessons incorporate videos created by qualified music teachers and experienced musicians; utilising contemporary music playlists along with tuned and untuned instruments. So far, we have had a lot of fun during lessons on beat, tempo, rhythm, pitch and melody, discovering all of these elements in songs we know and hear on the radio. Throughout these music lessons, Stage 1 teachers support students’ learning and engagement to ensure that key musical concepts are identified and understood. We can already see improvements in our students’ musicality!
Stage 2
This term in Stage 2, we have been thoroughly enjoying our Music lessons using the Amplify platform. Each week we tune in to complete another lesson and learn new skills. So far, we have gone over musical concepts such as beat, tempo, rhythm, pitch, tuning instruments and the difference between a verse and a chorus. We are having a lot of fun in these lessons and always look forward to hearing the playlist of songs that Amplify has put together to help us with our musical education. As well as music, our classrooms have also been filled with art that has been completed over the term. All of our classrooms have become such colourful and inviting spaces for us to enjoy every day.
Stage 3
Our Stage 3 students had the exciting opportunity to create their own lemon batteries to observe the transformation of chemical to electrical energy. The combination of copper and zinc strips in the citric acid of the lemon creates an electrical current that can light up small devices such as a calculator. Using this knowledge, students proposed their hypothesis, theories and plans and in groups used the materials to test the experiment. Students even discovered that potatoes could also produce energy!
Giving us Feedback
There are many ways that you can give us feedback, such as:
Emailing the school ( Your email will be forwarded to the appropriate staff member through the office.
Access our feedback link via the school website or
the Community inFocus. It looks like this:
High quality feedback from the community helps us to improve. Your feedback is important.
Compliments lets us know what we are doing well and the positive impact it is having on the community.
Your suggestions helps us to evaluate and review our practice and where possible, make adjustments to improve our service.
Please click HERE: Compliments and Suggestions High quality feedback from the community helps us to improve. Your feedback is important.