Cockatoo week

Day 2 brain break

Body or mind 2

This week during brain break, you have a choice between focusing on your body or mind.

You can choose the same option every day or alternate. Whatever feels right to you.


For the body choice this week you have the opportunity to try a 15 minute daily flexibility routine for working at home created by the NSW Institute of Sport.

  1. Start by carefully reading the Daily flexibility routine infographic to check that this activity is suitable for you.

Note: If you are not sure or have any injuries or illnesses do not choose this option.

  1. Use the NSWIS YouTube videos to make sure you are performing the stretches correctly.


For the mind choice this week you need to complete 15 minutes worth of short meditations from the Smiling Mind Back to School Meditations playlist on YouTube.

  1. You can listen to the same short meditation over and over or choose a few to add to a play list.

  2. Find a comfortable space where you can sit or lie down and follow along with the videos.