Koala week

Day 4 brain break

Mindful eating

Eating is an action we usually don't think much about. It can be really valuable to slow down your mind and become more focused on the present.

Note: You will probably find this activity easiest if you follow along with the audio file.

Brain Break_Mindful_Eating.mp3

Mindful eating audio instructions

Music by bensounds.com


  1. Choose a food you love to eat! Maybe a piece of your favourite fruit or something savoury.

  2. Sit somewhere comfortable and quiet.

  3. Close your eyes and hold the food you have chosen in your hand.

    • What shape is the food?

    • Is it heavy or light?

  4. Slowly breathe in through your nose and count 1, 2, 3 in your head.

  5. Hold the breath for 1, 2, 3.

  6. Slowly breathe out through your mouth and count 1, 2, 3 in your head.

  7. Hold the food up to your nose and take a deep breath in and count 1, 2, 3 in your head.

    • What does the food smell like?

    • How does the food make you feel?

  8. Take a small bite and keep the food on your tongue for a moment.

    • What does the food feel like on your tongue?

    • What can you taste?

  9. Swallow the food.

    • What did the food taste like? Was it sweet or salty or bitter?

    • What did the food feel like as it went down your throat?

  10. Try these steps again with bigger or smaller bites and ask the same questions.

  11. Keep going until you finish the food.

Adapted from Wellbeing Activities for Students (PDF 6.5MB) by State of Queensland (Department of Education) 2020 (CC BY 4.0)