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Day 5 brain break

10 minute workouts

Choose one of the activities below depending on your fitness and mobility.

Note: Like with all the other physical exercises, if you are not sure about any of these activities or have any injuries or illnesses do not choose any of these options. Instead, choose an activity from another day to complete instead.

Feel good workout

  1. Before you get into your workout it’s important to warm up. Just five minutes of light activity is all you need. Things like:

    • walking

    • jogging on the spot

    • pumping your arms

    • shoulder rolls

    • controlled punches

    • circular ‘windmill’ arm movements in the air.

  2. Follow along with the Feel good workout video.

  3. After your workout, cool down by stretching your muscles, holding each stretch for 20-30 seconds. Make sure you hold at a point where you can feel the stretch but you shouldn’t feel discomfort or pain. Don’t bounce through these, just slow steady movements.

Adapted from Feel good workout by State of Queensland (Queensland Health) 2022 (CC BY 4.0).

TV ad workout

  1. Before you get into your workout it’s important to warm up. Just five minutes of light activity is all you need. Things like:

    • walking

    • jogging on the spot

    • pumping your arms

    • shoulder rolls

    • controlled punches

    • circular ‘windmill’ arm movements in the air.

  2. Follow along with the TV ad workout video.

  3. After your workout, cool down by stretching your muscles, holding each stretch for 20-30 seconds. Make sure you hold at a point where you can feel the stretch but you shouldn’t feel discomfort or pain. Don’t bounce through these, just slow steady movements.

Adapted from TV ad workout video by State of Queensland (Queensland Health) 2022 (CC BY 4.0).

Wheelchair suitable workout

  1. Start by watching and following along with the video, Introduction and gentle warm up exercises on YouTube.

  2. Follow up with the 10 minutes wheelchair arm workout video on YouTube.