Compass Music Festival
North Coast
Please contact Sarah Armour - Arts Coordination Officer should you have any further questions or concerns.
P: 0429 965 197
Important information
Tickets will go on sale Tuesday 22 April through Eventbrite at $12.00 each
Please ensure that each student returns a completed permission to publish form and it is filed at your school
Primary Choir groups will be allocated to ONE concert, either Monday 2 or Tuesday 3 June.
In 2025, it will be possible to participate in both Primary Choir and Recorder ensemble, however:
Primary schools applying to have different students participate in the Primary Choir and Recorder Ensemble will be allocated to the same rehearsal/performance day.
Primary schools that wish to have the same students participate in both Primary Choir and Recorder Ensemble must be available for both rehearsal/concert days, and pay the participation fee for both ensembles
Additional resources
You might like to explore the following 3 Creative Teacher resources developed by The Arts Unit to assist in your preparations for the festival.
Third-party content attributions
No third-party attributions.
Compass Music Festival - North Coast
The Arts Unit