Excellence, Creativity and Equity


BULLETIN 7 - Term 2 -  Friday 24 May 2024

Message From Deputy Principal, Teaching & Learning: Nilaufer Rajwar

Term 2 is the term of reports. Year 12 will be the first year group to be issued their Semester 1 reports on Wednesday 5 June. Students will be allocated with an interview time to meet with their Curriculum Adviser, and it will be at this meeting where reports will be distributed and goals and strategies for improvement discussed and set for implementation over the next few terms. It is important for students to reflect on the feedback received from their teachers and seek to act on this advice as they approach their next round of assessment tasks. A reminder that the school provides a mentor program and the after-school study centre to assist students to achieve their best. Also, this is the first year that we will hold a three-day Year 12 Study Camp at the end of this term. The purpose of this study camp is to prepare students for the Trial HSC and offer teachers the opportunity to run targeted seminars that are free from the time constraints of regular lessons. Year 12 students and parents have been provided with detailed information regarding the camp. 

The Year 11 Half Yearly assessment block, earlier this term, ran smoothly with our students taking their first formal assessment block very seriously. The illness/misadventure process was followed by students and assessments were rescheduled accordingly. Year 11 students will be issued their half-yearly reports during a meeting with their Curriculum Advisers on Friday 28 June.

The final Parent-Teacher interviews will be held on Tuesday 28 May. The Year 7 Parent-Teacher interviews will be held face to face in the gym and G-Block rooms. We hope that these interviews will allow our new parents to meet with teachers to discuss their child’s progress and transition to high school. Interview bookings are made through the Sentral parent portal. If you have any questions regarding bookings, contact the school:
95191544 or email

It’s that time of the year again when our students’ talents are on display at our Showcase concert series. Semester 1 Showcase season commences this month on Wednesday 29 May. The Showcase program looks fantastic and features a very comprehensive display of what our students and their teachers have been working on over the past term as part of the co-curricular program. We would encourage you all to attend the evening performances over the next few weeks, particularly the new members of our school community. The Showcase concerts are a true testament to the opportunities this school provides for our students and are always a very enjoyable evening out. Music and Dance Classwork Showcase details are detailed within the Bulletin together with links to Trybooking to purchase tickets.  These details are also available on the school website and will be general seating. 

Our first performances for the term were held on Tuesday 14 May with our Year 12 students showcasing their HSC Dance Composition and the Year 11 students displaying their drawings at the ‘Spaces and Places’ exhibition in the King Street Gallery. Both events were well attended by parents, staff and students.

Our annual Multicultural Day is celebration of the cultural diversity of our school community. The S.E.E.D members, prefects and student volunteers under the guidance of Hannah Hindmarsh and Karl Pico planned this successful event. Schools play an important role in strengthening cultural inclusion and at Newtown, we pride ourselves in accepting and celebrating diversity. It is important for us to provide an environment where acceptance of diversity, knowledge of other cultures and respect for all is developed and are part of everyday life.

Term 2 marks the beginning of the autumn and winter seasons. It is most important our students are prepared for the colder weather and are appropriately dressed in full school uniform. This school has high uniform standards and it is an expectation that all students wear the correct school uniform, including school jumpers, jackets and coats as well as black, fully enclosed leather shoes to comply with Occupational Health and Safety requirements. If there is a genuine reason for your child to be out of uniform, please write a note explaining the situation and to be submitted to the office at 8.30am.  They will then be granted a uniform pass which is recorded on our system. If your child has lost items of uniform, please contact lost property in the Office.

Attendance is a concern with some students regularly arriving late to school. It is most important students leave home with sufficient time to reach the school by 8.45am. When students persistently miss parts of lessons, or whole lessons, it impacts negatively on their academic success. We want all our students to successfully fulfil their course requirements in all subjects. When your child is absent, either for a partial or whole day, a written explanation is required within one week of their return to school. This is a Department of Education requirement. With respect to students needing to leave early, we would appreciate it if parents/carers could notify the school by 9am of the morning of the requested early departure. This information can be conveyed to the school by phone, e-mail or written note brought by your child. The early departure will be entered online to alert teachers of the early departure request to avoid your child being marked absent in class.

In line with the Department of Education's new Student Behaviour Policy, we have updated ours. We have consulted widely with staff, the Year 12 Prefects and the S.E.E.D Team. We welcome Parent/Carer feedback. 

DRAFT Student Behaviour Management & Support Policy

Parent/Carer feedback form

Finally, a reminder for all members of the school community that the After School Study Centre is open on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons in the Library from 3.10 till 5pm; this is a very useful resource that could further support the students in their preparation and revision for assessment tasks and examinations. 

Attendance Matters

The evidence is clear that consistent attendance is the essential first step for your child to have a positive experience at school. Every day matters for your child’s learning. In recent years we’ve seen too many students miss a day of school here and there. Missing school for students means missing assignments, time with friends, an important Maths lesson or getting picked for a sports team. With days missed, years are lost.

Students are required to attend school every day, whether it’s the first or last day of the term, Mondays, Fridays or days dedicated to sports carnivals, school excursions and incursions. Help us make sure your child is achieving their best and stays ahead in their learning with regular school attendance. The more time your child attends school, the greater their opportunity to learn, make new friends and improve their wellbeing. Together, let’s build positive attendance habits for a lifetime.

If your child is absent from school, please let us know why as soon as possible, even if it is just a few minutes at the start or end of the school day. Of course, there will be times when your child is unable to be at school (like when they are unwell). Medical appointments should take place outside school hours where possible and family holidays should be taken in term breaks.

If your child is feeling anxious about coming to school and you need support, please reach out to your child’s Deputy Principal, Year Adviser or myself directly. Our staff are here to work with you and your child to help them attend school each and every day. There are also helpful resources for parents and carers on the Every Day Matters website.

Thank you again for working with our teachers and support staff to make sure your child is at school, on time, every day. We all want to see our students learn, grow and belong in our equitable and outstanding education system.

Newtown High School of the Performing Arts

Behaviour Code for Students

behaviourcodestudents (1) (1).pdf

To enlarge, click Right Top Corner

News From Our Prefects

Multicultural Day

The Prefects and Leadership Teams are enthusiastically preparing for this Friday’s upcoming Multicultural Day, an annual event at our school. 

Multicultural Day promotes inclusivity by allowing students to highlight their cultures through participation in food stalls and learn more about other cultures through workshops available to the various year groups. It has always been a success, fostering collaborative and engaging cultural awareness and learning! 

Don’t miss out on the Prefect-run Souvlaki Stall on Friday!

Year 11s First Assessment Week 

We would also like to congratulate the Year 11s on their first assessment week, we know firsthand how stressful that can be.                       WELL DONE TO EVERYONE! 

Performance Weeks

We are also anticipating our upcoming Performance Weeks demonstrating the work of both Senior and Junior Companies over Semester 1. 

As well as this, Week 6 will see our school choirs and orchestra joined by Dimitris Basis to celebrate The 42nd Greek Festival of Sydney. Our school is extremely grateful to host the event and we are looking forward to seeing much of the NHSPA and local community in attendance.

The Prefects are excited to participate in many of these events, as this will be our last opportunity to get involved. We encourage other students to join in as well!


If you have any suggestions/ ideas or feedback for the Prefects, please come and speak to us or fill out this form: 

Prefect Suggestion Box Link 

From the NHSPA Archives - Samantha Rowe (Teacher Librarian)

Give Peace A Chance

The below images from the 1980s depict Senator Bruce Childs being presented with peace posters by senior students of Petersham Girls' High School. Although faded, both artworks depict very real concerns of the day around the threat of nuclear war. 

From the end of WWII until the late 1980s, the Cold War was essentially a standoff between the two "superpowers" of the day, the USA and Russia. As both powers rattled their sabres and fought for global dominance, the rest of the world cowered in fear of another World War breaking out while still recovering from generational trauma from the previous two wars. The development of nuclear weapons complicated matters as the speed of technological advancement did not allow for appropriate safety legislation and policy to be developed by the United Nations in a timely manner, much like the rapid development of AI today.

The work depicted above: a meal being shared between an eagle (USA) and a bear (USSR) that is steaming in the shape of a mushroom cloud.

The work depicted above: footprints moving over a desert scape starting from flowers (peace) passed a nuclear symbol and towards, again, a mushroom cloud that envelops the horizon. 

Multicultural Day

This global context resulted in protests and rallies happening around the world and an outcry from society to strive towards peace between the powers. With Multicultural Day at NHSPA approaching, the values of acceptance, tolerance and understanding that are nurtured during formative years become long-lasting virtues our young people carry forward into the world. 

Vox Pop

Year 10 students playing 500 

"There are four of us and it's competitive and fun!"

Year 12 Music 2 students watching 

Raphael on piano 

Thank You P&C

Thank you to the P&C 

for bench chair cubicles in C Block. 

(Outside Maths and English Faculties)

NHSPA Uniform

  As it gets colder, students will need to wear correct school jumpers or long pants to keep warm.  

NHSPA 2024 Uniform Policy 4.pdf

To enlarge, click Right Top Corner

NHSPA 2024 Uniform Policy Page 5.pdf

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NHSPA 2024 Uniform Policy Shoes.pdf

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Science- Year 8 Engineers without Borders Workshops

All of Year 8 classes attended the engineering workshop run by Engineers Without Borders. EWB is a not-for-profit organisation with a focus on humanitarian engineering, sustainable development and educating future engineers to show students the endless possibilities this field holds for them!  The workshop “Prosthetic Arm” – a biology based biomedical engineering activity where students make a ‘prosthetic arm’ out of simple, everyday materials such as cardboard, rubber bands, plastic tubing, blocks of wood and ropes. 

We were very proud to see one of our very own ex-students, Nona Walne, return again for the second year- she is an alumni who graduated from NHSPA as Dux, now in her second year studying Aeronautical Engineering. The Year 8 students on Friday 7 June (Week 6) will present their own engineering designs in their cross KLA assessment in Science and English. This asks them to design a machine to solve an everyday problem and create an advertising campaign to pitch their design. We are looking forward to seeing their creative machines.

Engineering students brief the class on their challenge

Students design and make a prototype

Students test out their designs

Music - 2024 Semester 1 Music Concerts

Music Performances at St George's Hall, King Street, Newtown

Tickets may be purchased by clicking on this link or via the link on the school's website:

2024 Semester 1 NHSPA Music Concerts Tickets, NHSPA ST GEORGES HALL, NHSPA, Newtown | TryBooking Australia 



6:00pm St Georges Hall

Wednesday 29 May 2024

Symphonic Wind Ensemble

Senior String Ensemble

Senior Extension Choir

Senior Littlefield Guitar Ensemble

Junior Littlefield Guitar Ensemble

Zangari Guitar Ensemble

Jazz Orchestra


6:00pm St Georges Hall

Thursday 30 May 2024

Concert Band


Junior Choir

Corelli Strings

Smith Percussion

Tango Ensemble

Junior Jazz Ensemble

Dance - 2024 Semester 1 Dance Classwork Showcase

2024 Semester 1 

Dance Classwork Showcase

Dance classwork performances at St George's Hall, King Street, Newtown. 

Tickets may be purchased by clicking on this link or via the link on the school's website: 

2024 NHSPA Dance Classwork Showcase Tickets, St George's Hall, Sydney | TryBooking Australia 


Join the Dance Department in a celebration of classwork from Semester 1, 2024. This performance is a showcase of all the classwork our Dance students have been working on this semester, including Dance, Dance Extension and Classical Ballet students.

Tuesday 11 and Wednesday 12 June 2024

7.00pm St George's Hall

Tuesday 11 June

7DA0, Year 8 Classical Ballet, Year 9 Dance, Year 9 Dance Extension, Year 9 Classical Ballet, Year 10 Classical Ballet, Year 10 Dance Extension, Year 11 Dance, Year 12 Dance

Wednesday 12 June

Year 8 Dance, Year 8 Classical Ballet, Year 9 Classical Ballet, Year 9 Dance Extension, Year 10 Classical Ballet, Year 10 Dance, Year 10 Dance Extension, Year 12 Dance

NOTE: Year 12 parents should check with their child to confirm which night they will be performing as these classes will be splitting across the two nights.

Drama - 2024 Semester 1 Drama Performances

Drama Performances at Studio Theatre, Newtown

Tickets may be purchased by clicking on this link or via the link on the school's website:

2024 Semester 1 NHSPA Drama Performances Tickets, NHSPA Studio Theatre, Newtown | TryBooking Australia


Wednesday 26 June and Thursday 27 June

6pm start for both nights

Following Companies and Ensembles Performing:

Year 7 - Kavanagh Company

Year 7 - Merlino Company

Year 7 - Hardingham Company

Year 7H Drama 

Year 8 - Van Munster Company

Year 8 - Ord Company

Year 9  - Hoddinott Company

Year 10 - Kendall Company

Year 10 - Hartley Company

Year 10 Drama Extension

Senior Drama - Gonda Company

Multicultural Day - Friday 24 May 2024

Our NHSPA Multicultural Day celebrations are happening on Friday 24 May. 

This event provides us with an opportunity to deepen our understanding of the cultural diversity at NHSPA. 

The event will take place over an extended lunch with performances, food stalls and activities.

Highlights from Multicultural Day in next issue!

Sydney Greek Festival comes to NHSPA!


In 2006, the NHSPA choir sang the Australian and Greek National Anthems at Darling Harbour to an audience of over 150,000 for the official opening of the inaugural Greek Festival Of Sydney. The festival has since been recognised as one of NSW’s foremost cultural events promoting multiculturalism and diversity. The annual festival launch is attended by Federal, State and local politicians, the Consul General of Greece, members of the media and festival sponsors.

In 2006 and 2008, Zoia and Elspeth, both Year 8 students, won the design for the official program cover for the festival.

Dimitris BASIS

After hearing NHSPA rehearsals in a visit to the school in 2018, Dimitris Basis, an internationally renowned Greek singer, collaborated with NHSPA music teacher, Emlyn Lewis-Jones to produce a concert that crossed cultural and language barriers through music as part of the Greek Festival’s program of events for 2019.

Our students rose to the musical challenge and experienced another level of performance offered by participation in a major concert with Greek artists of international acclaim. They were to perform 22 pieces in total that showcased Greek culture and music.

Basis at NHSPA

In addition, BYZANTIUM TO ZORBA: A Musical Odyssey, was performed as a collaboration between NHSPA and the Greek Festival to a sellout audience in St George’s Hall.

The program included performances by our dancers, as well as NHSPA student, Arlo Simms, and Dimitris Basis performing a duet. Dimitris Basis was so impressed with this young singer’s talent, that he invited Arlo to sing with him at the City Recital Hall.

Also in attendance was the Consul General of Greece in Sydney, who organised an overseas experience for NHSPA students in Greece to repeat the performance together with students from a prominent Athenian Music High School. But alas, the venture, approved by the Department, had to be abandoned due to COVID!


200 Years: A Celebration of Greek Music 

As 2021 marked the 200th Anniversary of the declaration of the War of Independence for Greece from Ottoman rule, a second concert celebrating this historic event, was produced.

200 YEARS: A CELEBRATION OF GREEK MUSIC, which also featured our choir (where students sang in Greek), proved to be even more dynamic, receiving a standing ovation from the audience as well as high acclaim from the media and wider community both here and in Greece!


Music From The Heart 

This year on 4 June, NHSPA presents MUSIC FROM THE HEART. The concert’s repertoire, chosen by Dimitris Basis, highlights some of the most profound work created by poets, composers and musicians throughout Greece’s musical history. The concert embodies lyrics and music that evoke a range of human emotions: PATHOS (Passion), PONOS (Pain), AGAPI (Love), APOLIA (Loss), HARRA (Joy), AGONAS (Struggle), ELPIDA (Hope).

Drama - SCAB 

Congratulations to our students 

Jasper Reucassel, Scarlett Saunders, Aurielle Smith, Eve Guilfoyle O'Rourke & Chloe Harnisch-Rojas

on their fantastic performances in SCAB at ATYP last week 

It is so wonderful to see our students being featured alongside their peers from other schools in professional performance environments. We thank ATYP for their ongoing support of our students. 

Drama - ATYP 

Languages - French


It has been a busy fortnight for French students at NHSPA. On Friday 10 May Year 8, 9 and 10 French classes enjoyed a French/English puppet show performance of “Puss in Boots” (Le Chat Botté) in the Studio Theatre. 

On Saturday 18 May Year 12 French Continuers participated in an HSC Study Skills Day at Sydney University. They had the excellent opportunity to hear from experienced HSC markers as they unpacked past HSC questions and provided insights on the marking process, along with tips for exam preparation in each skill area.

Year 12 French Continuers students collaborated with Mr Bradley’s Year 9 French class to assist them in finalising their scripts for their upcoming speaking assessment task.

Physical Activity & Sport Studies - Year 9/10

Wheelchair Rugby

On Wednesday 22 May students in the elective Stage 5 PASS course experienced a presentation on disability awareness in physical activity and sport by Wheelsports NSW presenter Richard, who lives with a disability and has used a wheelchair since he was 6 years old. Richard provided students with valuable lessons about how inclusive sport can be - having played basketball for over 30 years and other sports such as tennis, badminton, table tennis and sled ice hockey. 

Following the presentation, students got to learn and experience wheelchair rugby. It was great to reinforce the value of inclusion and participation no matter an individual's physical ability. 

Thank you Richard for providing this valuable opportunity to our students and reminding us all that "life is what you make it."

Combined High School - Sport

U15s AFL

The NHSPA U15s Boys AFL team competed in Round 2 of the NSW CHS Knock-out Competition at Alan Davidson Oval against Menai High School. 

The boys showed tremendous skill, effort and teamwork and were very unlucky to lose in the final minutes in a close and competitive game.

Most valuable players were Tim (Year 9)  and Harper (Year 8). Thank you to Year 12 students Nelson, James and Matty for coaching the team and running training sessions.

NHSPA students Maggie (Year 9) and Lucia (Year 8) were very professional as Goal Umpires.

Thank you Newtown Junior Australian Rules Football Club Inc - Newtown Swans for their support and great facilities!

Does your child have old/unwanted sport shoes (such as football boots) that you would like to donate? The PDHPE/ Sport faculty is gathering a supply of football boots available for students to borrow when involved in extracurricular teams. Please bring them to the PDHPE Staffroom. 

Thank you!

CHS State Swimming

Congratulations to the following students who achieved some fabulous results at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre in Week 4. 

Finals results:

Olive Neely - 10th 50m Freestyle, 7th 100m Backstroke, 8th 100m Breaststroke 

Jordan Thompson - 9th 100m Backstroke

Hugo Pagella Guthrie - 7th 50m Freestyle

Xavier Jacks - 14th 200m Freestyle

Jordan Thompson

Cricket - Diksha Chowdary

Congratulations to Diksha (Year 9) for being selected for the U15's NSW Metropolitan Youth Academy. Diksha has been an integral member of the NHSPA Open Cricket team for many years, showing talent and skill beyond her years! Well done and keep it up, Diksha!

VISUAL ARTS - Year 11 Drawing Exhibition

On Tuesday 14 May the Visual Arts faculty had its second exhibition of the year in the NHSPA Gallery, the Year 11 Drawing exhibition 'Places and Spaces'.

Many Year 11 students came with their parents to admire the detailed drawings they had created alongside teachers and members of the public walking past. 

We are so proud of the work that Year 11 have created as they have all put in huge amounts of effort into their drawing assessment task. We look forward to seeing more of their creative efforts for their next unit of work - Sculpture, Performance and Installation. 

After School Study Centre

After School Study Centre 2024 Final.pdf

To enlarge, click Right Top Corner

St George's Hall Trust Fund Donation

We invite you to contribute towards our St George’s Hall Trust Fund.

St George’s Hall and The Studio Theatre are used by all students for year meetings, presentation assemblies, performances and various incursion workshops. 

Through the St George’s Hall Trust Fund, the school is able to enhance the Performing and Visual Arts within the school by improving the physical spaces to create 'state of the art' venues, provide scholarships to students, technical equipment, musical instruments, and workshops with industry professionals.  


The school is currently looking to install air-conditioning in St George’s Hall and replacing the seating in the Studio Theatre.  


We suggest a donation of $200 per year per family. Any amount donated to the St George’s Hall Trust fund is tax deductible.  


Donations can be made online through your School Bytes Parent Portal.

School Bytes Parent Portal Link 

Year 10 Vaccinations 

If your child is in Year 7 or Year 10 this year, you can now provide online consent for their routine school vaccinations.

Vaccinations for Year 7 will be conducted at school on Wednesday 28 August 2024. 

Vaccinations for year 10 were conducted at school on Wednesday 22 

May  2024.

Vaccinations will only be provided at school IF CONSENT has been received.


1. To complete online consent for your child’s school vaccinations, visit:

2. Follow the steps to log in to your existing ServiceNSW account. This is the same account you may already use to renew your driver’s licence. 

If you don’t have a ServiceNSW account, refer to ServiceNSW to create one.

3. Update or confirm your personal details in ServiceNSW as required.

4. Complete the School Vaccination Consent Form for your child/ren. You will need to:

a) Enter your child’s personal details

b) Provide the Medicare card details for you and your child 

c) Read the linked Parent Information Sheet and privacy statement. Translations available in 27 languages

d) Provide consent

If you or your child do not have a Medicare card, consent can still be provided by requesting a paper-based consent form directly from your child’s school.


For more information on routine school vaccinations, please visit

If you require information in your language, please visit

NHSPA Vocal and Instrumental Program

The school provides an opportunity for students to have instrumental and/or vocal lessons at NHSPA with professional tutors. The lessons take place during the school day on a rotational basis so that students do not miss the same class each week. Most lessons are half an hour in duration once a week over each school term.

This opportunity is available to all students enrolled in Newtown High School of the Performing Arts.

We are pausing ALL VOICE APPLICATIONS into the VITP program until Term 3 2024 due to capacity. 

New applications will not be examined until then.

You can sign up for the program and access lessons using this link:

Vocal/Instrumental Tuition Program Application Form

For Voice, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Saxophone, French Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, Euphonium, Percussion (Timpani, Auxillary, Drum Kit, Mallets), Piano.

Young Australians' Cancer Initiative: Masterclasses

The Young Australians' Cancer Initiative program is designed for Year 10 students, but all interested Year 8 – 12 students are welcome. The program consolidates and extends beyond the usual Year 10 Science curriculum to help students develop a foundational understanding of cancer, and will be a great opportunity for students interested in studying Science after school, to network with academics, and for understanding about cancer covered in the Year 12 Biology course. 

The 2024 Masterclasses are fortnightly on Thursday lunch times B weeks. The first session is Thursday 9 May in the common room. 

The 8 components of the 2024 Masterclasses program are:

NHSPA Events Calendar Term 2 2024

Calender Term 1 and 2 2024.pdf

To enlarge, click Right Top Corner

2024 Co-Curricular Update: Showcase Term 2 2024

Newtown High School of the Performing Arts offers the opportunity for all students to be involved 

in the extensive Co-Curricular Program.

Performing Arts Calender.pdf

To enlarge, click Right Top Corner

Safer Internet 

PARENT ADVICE for Cyber Bullying from the eSafetyCommissioner 

Use parental controls: Parental controls are software tools that allow you to monitor and limit what your child sees and does online.   

They can be set up to do things like:  


If a device or program is shared by multiple members of your family, you should be able change the tool settings to reflect each user’s age and skills. 

For further parental support please see the below links. 

School Bytes - Parent Portal 

Introduction to School Bytes - Letter to New Parents.pdf

To enlarge, click Right Top Corner

NHSPA Digital Devices (Mobile Phone) Policy

NHSPA Digital Devices Policy

Newtown High School of the Performing Arts (NHSPA) aims to develop skilled and creative learners who value the performing and creative arts as well as academic excellence. The school creates an environment where all students are encouraged to set high expectations and are supported to achieve their full potential.


This procedure guides student use of digital devices at our school including requirements and expectations regarding the safe and appropriate use of mobile phones by students.

Our school acknowledges the educational value of digital devices in supporting and enhancing educational outcomes and student wellbeing. We also recognise they may cause harm if used inappropriately and that we need to support our students to use them in safe, responsible, and respectful ways.


Digital devices, such as but not limited to, mobile phones, laptops, headphones, earphones/air pods, smart watches and other personal music or communication devices, should not negatively impact teaching and learning.

At school, all digital devices are turned off and out of sight between 8:55am – 3:10pm.

Please click the following link for NHSPA Digital Devices Policy: 

NHSPA Digital Devices Policy 

Fit For Life

Excellence, Creativity and Equity