Inclusive education 

Support for students to attend Brewongle Environmental Education Centre for day and camp programs

We acknowledge the traditional owners of the land, the Darug people, on which Brewongle Environmental Education Centre resides. We would like to pay our respects to the Elders, past, present and future and acknowledge our Aboriginal Elders and knowledge holders who have helped us to understand the special connection Aboriginal peoples have with the land.

We are committed to implementing inclusive environmental education for all our students at Brewongle Environmental Education Centre, whether in mainstream classes or specialised programs. Inclusion is a foundational principle, supported by the centre's culture, policies, and everyday practices. Inclusive environmental education ensures that all students can access and fully engage in learning about the environment and culture and can connect to Country in a meaningful way.


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This site is designed help teachers and students prepare for a visit to Brewongle EEC. We have collected videos, social stories and 360 tours to support all students who attend our centre.

Please take our 360 site tour below and get to know Brewongle.