Teachers' Profile


 School Administration Team (SAT)

Dasho Norbu Gyaltshen 


Number of Years in UA: 21st Year

Contact No: 77111000

Mr. D.R. Kharka 

Vice Principal - Academics)

Number of Years in UA: 19th Year

Contact No: 17430315


Dr. Benchalak, Thailand

Number of Years in UA: 10th Year

Dr. Kenneth K. Kim, Korean

Number of Years in UA: 19th Year

Contact No: 17820704

Cambridge IGCSE & IB Curriculum Consultant

Ms. Bindhu Raja Krishnan

Teacher Consultant

Number of Years in UA: 1st Year

But served 25 years in education field in various countries. 

Contact No: 

Faculty-School of Science 

Mr. Prakash Chhetri

Head-UA School of Science

Teaching Subject(s): Chemistry, Physics & Biology

Number of Years in UA: 16th Year

Contact No: 17705788

Mr. PK Bhattacharya

Teaching Subject(s): Mathematics & Physics

Number of Years in UA: 10th Year

Contact No: 17645540

Mr. A R Rajan

Teaching Subject(s): English

Number of Years in UA: 20th Year

Contact No: 77222722

Mr. Jigme Tenzin

Teaching Subject(s): Chemistry & Biology

Number of Years in UA: 12th Year

Contact No: 17904151

Mr. Hemlal Poudyel

Teaching Subject(s): Mathematics & Physics

Number of Years in UA: 11th Year

Contact No: 17685912

Mr. Gopal Bhandari

Teaching Subject(s): Physics

Number of Years in UA: 12th Year

Contact No: 17309961

Mr. Tashi Phuntsho

Head of ICT Department

Teaching Subject(s): Mathematics,  Physics & ICT

Number of Years in UA: 7th Year

Contact No: 17906539

Mr. Bikash Subba

Teaching Subject(s): Chemistry

Number of Years in UA: 1st Year

Faculty-Department of Business Studies

Mr. Kumar Pradhan

Head of Commerce Department

Teaching Subject(s): Accountancy

Number of Years in UA: 20th Year

Contact No: 77605161

Mr. Tula Ram Pradhan

Teaching Subject(s): Business Mathematics 

Number of Years in UA: 18th Year

Contact No: 

Mr. Tashila

Teaching Subject(s): Accountancy

Number of Years in UA: 5th Year

Contact No: 77326900

Mr. Kinley Dorji

Teaching Subject(s): Business Mathematics

Number of Years in UA: 12th Year

Contact No: 77323388

Ms. Sujata Pradhan

Teaching Subject(s): Business & Entrepreneurship Studies & Geography

Number of Years in UA: 11th Year

Contact No: 17360478

Faculty-Department of Humanities

Lopen Rigzin Wangdi

Head of Dzongkha Department

Teaching Subject(s): Dzongkha & Rigzhung

Number of Years in UA: 20th Year

Contact No: 17714517

Mr. Sonam

Teaching Subject(s): English & EVS

Number of Years in UA: 9th Year

Contact No: 17988046

Lopen Lhakpa Dhendup

Teaching Subject(s): Dzongkha

Number of Years in UA: 10th Year

  Contact No: 17940133

Lopen Sonam Penjor

Teaching Subject(s): Dzo & Rigzhung

Number of Years in UA: 9th Year

Contact No: 17530692

Mr. Dechen Dorji

Teaching Subject(s):: History & AgFS

Number of Years in UA: 10th Year

Contact No: 17477003

Mr. Jit Kumar Layo Thapa

Teaching Subject(s): History/English

Number of Years in UA: 6th Year

Contact No: 17635409

Mrs. Meena Kumari Monger

Teaching Subject(s): Geography

Number of Years in UA: 11th Year

Contact No: 17844115

Mr. Sangay Dorji

Teaching Subject(s): Geography & Economics

Number of Years in UA: 10th Year

Contact No: 17728474

Ms. Dip Maya Tamang

Teaching Subject(s): Mathematics

Number of Years in UA: 13th Year

Contact No: 17782080

Mr. Manojan Vilengil

Teaching Subject(s): English

Number of Years in UA: 1st Year but has served for last 18 years in various schools 

Contact No: 17721865

Faculty-Department of Lower Division

Mr. Sonam Tobgyal

Head School of Lower Division

Teaching Subject(s): ICT

Number of Years in UA: 21st Year

Contact No: 17690304

Lopen Kinzang Dorji

Teaching Subject(s): Dzongkha

Number of Years in UA: 21st Year

Contact No: 17690304

Mr. Bijay Kumar Sapkota

Teaching Subject(s): English & History

Number of Years in UA: 17th Year

Contact No: 17651769

Lopen Gangri

Teaching Subject(s): Dzongkha

Number of Years in UA: 21st Year

Contact No: 77238845

Mrs. Saraswati Dhakal

Teaching Subject(s):  Math & Science 

Number of Years in UA: 5th Year

Contact No: 17306899

Lopen Tshering Dorji

Teaching Subject(s): Dzongkha & AgFS

Number of Years in UA: 4th Year

Contact No: 17398302

Ms. Srijana Pradhan

Teaching Subject(s): Economics

Number of Years in UA: 4th Year

Contact No: 17238297

Mr. Lal Bdr Subba

Teaching Subject(s): Physics/Math/ICT

Number of Years in UA: 3rd Year

Mr. Tandin Wangchuk

Teaching Subject(s): Geography

Number of Years in UA: 1stYear

Mr. Tashi Dorji

Teaching Subject(s): History, Geog & AgFS

Number of Years in UA: 1st Year

Mr. Mangal Dosh

Teaching Subject(s): Physics/Math

Number of Years in UA: 3rd Year