What languages are taught at this school?

At the EOI Embajadores we offer classes in:

What other schools teach Spanish as a foreign language in Madrid?

See which other schools teach Spanish in this MAP

When does the school year start?

What are the course timetables?

What kind of courses do we offer?

The following types of courses are offered at the school: 

In the case of the four-month (intensive) Spanish courses

The distribution of which days will be face-to-face classes and which days will be virtual classes is determined once the final course offer is approved (usually at the beginning of the course) according to the organisational needs of the centre.

When and how do I enrol?

What do I need to enrol? (information about ADMITTED CERTIFICATES)

At what age can I enrol in the EOI?

If I don't know my level, how do I know which course to enrol in?PLACEMENT TEST

Te We recommend you to pay attention to our NOVEDADES section to be aware of the dates and processes of the ordinary and extraordinary classification tests organised by this school.

I studied with an old curriculum, what level is my course equivalent to now?

Here is an overview of the equivalence of courses and levels of old curricula.

How much do the courses cost and what do they include?

How do I pay?

What diplomas and certificates can I apply for?

How valid are EOI qualifications?

EOI certificates are official qualifications, and are therefore valid throughout Spain for any procedure with the Spanish Administration (competitive examinations, public examinations, nationality, university studies, etc.).

When are the exams?

How many exam sessions are there in the certification test?

Currently, there is only one examination session. In order to retake the exam if you do not pass, you will have to register (for the course or the open exam) and pay the corresponding fees.

What grade do I need to pass?

How can I find out my grades?

I don't remember my RAÍCES credentials, what do I do?

If you do not remember your credentials to access Raíces, please go to the secretary's office or write an email to jestudios.eoi.embajadores.madrid@educa.madrid.org with the following information: 

An email will be sent to you with the new credentials.


Also, please note the following: 

How do I access the Aulas Virtuales?

Here you have the link to the  Aulas Virtuales of EOI Madrid-Embajadores. To access you will need the EducaMadrid credentials that your teacher gave you at the beginning of the course.

I don't remember my EDUCAMADRID credentials, what do I do?

These credentials allow you to access the Aulas Virtuales (and other platforms) of your course, in case they are used. To get them, contact your teacher. 

How many times can I repeat a course?

As a general rule, each course can be taken a maximum of two times. If these two years are used up, it will be necessary to take the certification test for the corresponding level as an unofficial student.

Can I enrol in a course I have already passed?

Yes, it is possible to enrol in a course that you have already passed. However, this type of enrolment has a series of restrictions: the student will not appear on the official transcript of records (as he/she has already passed the course) and will not be entitled to sit the certification exam, even if he/she has not previously passed it. In order to sit the exam, the student must pay the corresponding fees as an unofficial student.

What procedures related to this EOI can I do online?

The online procedures that can be carried out can be consulted and requested through the SECRETARÍA VIRTUAL on this website. There you will find detailed information on each of the procedures.

Can I cancel my registration?

There are several procedures for cancellation of registration. To find out more about each of these procedures, visit our SECRETARÍA VIRTUAL

How do I know if a teacher will be absent?

To find out if a teacher will not be coming, you can consult the section ALUMNADO > Ausencias del profesorado.

Is attendance mandatory?

Each department sets minimum attendance percentages. Check with your teacher to find out what they are. 

In case of exceeding the limit of absences, you will lose the right to the ordinary continuous assessment (you will not receive a mark in that assessment session, but you will not lose the right to take the exams and receive feedback). 

In no case will you lose the right to extraordinary assessment or certification.

What days are there no lessons?

You can consult the school calendar for the current academic year in the section ALUMNADO > Calendario escolar (2023-2024). 

Is there a library or study room?

Yes, you can check the current opening hours of the library and study room in the section ALUMNADO > Biblioteca/sala de estudio. 

Remember that you need a student card to use the library. Ask at the concierge desk about how to get one (you will need a passport photo). 

Library capacity and opening hours are limited.

I am not an official student, what are the characteristics of unofficial students?

Are there any scholarships to study at EOI?

Yes, there are scholarships to study at the EOI. You can find more information on the following website