S2 into S3
Course Choice


Course Choice overview

At the end of S2 you go through course choicing to narrow your curriculum as you start to focus on what subjects you may take in the senior school. On this website you will find;

Ross High Curriculum Introduction

-Introduction to course choice process

Course choice description PM edit 2022.mp4

Course Choice Form Explained 

- Note Food Tech no longer limited in space

Course Choice Form Description 2022.mp4

Course Choice Form

S2 Into S3 Course Choice Form (2024).pdf

Enrichment Booklet

S3 Enrichment Booklet 2024.pdf


BGE Levels Flow Chart.pdf

The deadline for submitting the S2 into S3 course choices this year is the 3rd of February. All forms must be handed into the school by this date.

 Department Pathways Videos

Each department have created videos to give you a greater understanding of the pathways available in each subject. You can view them here.

Responses to Frequently asked Course choice questions

Response to S2 Course Choice Questions.pdf