Never Walk Alone

Class Contracts for a Socially & Emotionally Safe Classroom

Guiding Question

How can we work together to make sure that nobody ever feels like they're walking alone in this class?

Overarching Leadership Themes

  • You never know what's [happening] on the inside
  • Relationships first
  • Agape & Will to Serve


  • I can analyze a short film for character development & social norms.
  • I can apply what I've seen to my behavior and peer/staff relationships.
  • I can contribute to discussions about class norms and commit to following them, along with my peers and teacher.

Lessons & Assignments

View Never Walk Alone

  • Discuss/Brainstorm:
      • How did Jack feel before he empowered himself by wearing his mom's initials on his shoes?
      • How did he feel after his video went viral and he realized he had so much support? How did he feel after getting support from Chris Paul?
      • Brainstorms List #1: How would it feel to be in a classroom where we empowered ourselves and each other? What does that LOOK like and FEEL like?
      • How would a totally support community look? What ACTIONS can we take to ensure nobody in this class ever feels like they are walking alone?
  • Create Class Contract
      • Brainstorms List #1: How would it feel to be in a classroom where we empowered ourselves and each other? What does that LOOK like and FEEL like?
      • Brainstorm List #2: How would a totally support community look? What ACTIONS can we take to ensure nobody in this class ever feels like they are walking alone?
      • With the class narrow the brainstorm down to the final contract/agreement.
  • Have everyone sign it & post it.