8 Essentials + Agape

8th Grade Leadership

Guiding Thoughts

What does leadership look, feel & act like?

What is my WHY?


  • I can explain the 8 Essentials of Leadership and define them.
  • I can explain WHY I'm choosing to apply the 8th Essentials of Leadership to my life.
  • I can explain the Leadership Triangle.

Assignments, Instructions & Resources

What are the 8 Essentials + Agape?

Love Languages & Leadership

      • Link to Online Quiz for TEENS
      • Link to PDF Quiz for TEENS
      • Love Language Reflection/Discussion - - - 1/2 Sheet Printable - - - Digital Version (doc)
          • Do you think the way you prefer to receive love is the same as the way you prefer to give it? Explain.
          • Did anyone have more than one love language or two that had very close scores? Why do you think that is?
          • Why is knowing our love language important to servant leadership?
          • How can knowing this information about yourself help you be a better servant leader?
          • How can knowing the love language of others make you a better servant leader?

The Leadership Triangle

      • Leadership Triangle Notes
      • Test (Socrative Code - SOC-33216062 )