Silent Night Lights

Class Contracts for a Socially & Emotionally Safe Classroom

Lesson Plan

Guiding Question

How can we come together as one unit (team) to ensure that we're all supported and successful this semester?


  • I can analyze a short film for character development & social norms.
  • I can apply what I've seen to my behavior and peer/staff relationships.
  • I can contribute to discussions about class norms and commit to following them, along with my peers and teacher.

Lessons & Assignments

View Silent Night Lights

  • Discuss/Brainstorm:
      • How were The California School for the Deaf players treated growing up? What words could be used to describe their experiences in genera terms?
      • How did/do these players feel based on either their deafness or the way they were treated, or both?
      • What changed when the players began attending CSD? What changed when they began playing football?
      • What did the players do to ensure they were successful in their last three games of the season? What characteristics did they demonstrate?
      • Why was teamwork critical for CSD's football team's success?
  • Create Class Contract
      • What characteristics do we want to have as a class-team this year? (supportive, helpful, kind...)
      • If you were to take those characteristics and turn them into actions, what does that look like? (helping others when they struggle, giving our best effort, including all stakeholders - even when it's challenging...)
      • With the class narrow the brainstorm down to the final contract.
  • Have everyone sign it & post it.