A Long Walk to Water

Novel Study


  • We can serve others even when life gets hard.
  • We don't need things or money to grow our character and demonstrate leadership.
  • We can have an impact on others and our community through our daily actions and choices.

Guiding Question

How can we demonstrate leadership and serve as an inspiration for others despite challenges in our own lives?


  • I can analyze the leadership skills of Nya and Salva.
  • I can describe Salva's impact on South Sudan.
  • I can contribute to planning a fundraiser for Water for South Sudan using my leadership and organizational skills.
  • I can create a nonprofit that reflects my personal interests and impacts the community.

Nonprofits Matter


  • We can analyze nonprofits organizations for their purpose and impact.
  • We can analyze Water for South Sudan for their impact on others.
  • We can create a nonprofit model that demonstrates organization & service.

Walking in Salva's Shoes; Creating a Non-Profit Organization


  • Class Brainstorm & Discussion: What is a 501(c)(3) Organization?
      • Define for the class.
      • Brainstorm:
          • What are some nonprofits you know of?
          • How have nonprofits benefitted you, your family or your friends? What impact have they had on your life?
      • Nonprofits Matter Brainstorm

Analyzing Nonprofits

  • Logo Analysis
      • Article: "Best Nonprofit Logos Explained"
      • Assignment: Logo Analysis (print)

Creating a Non-Profit