Mrs. Collen's Classroom Information

Follow these steps for middle school success:

Listen to your teachers.

Write your homework assignments in your agenda.

Complete all of your school work to the best of your ability.

Turn in all school work on time.


Activity buses run after school on T/Th from KMS at 4:25 p.m through the first week in June 2019.

Homework Help is available on T/Th after school in the KMS library until 4:20 p.m. through the first week in June 2019.


  • All work for ES (extra support) classes and Pack class is completed in class. The ES classes are for IEP specially designed instruction (SDI) NOT for work completion from other classes.
  • ES classes are graded on effort and using class time well, working on individual SDI.
  • All Pack classes are graded Pass/Fail based on attendance, effort and participation.
  • Students need to come to Pack and ES class with loose leaf notebook paper and #2 pencils everyday. Please leave mechanical pencils at home, as traditional pencils are less of a distraction, wasting less class time.
  • ES class and Pack do not have homework. The focus of these classes is each child's own specially designed instruction (SDI) using the goals from their IEP, including reading, written language and/or math.
  • The student agenda is an essential communication tool between home and school. It is to be used daily to record assignments, due dates, and homework for each class (language arts, social studies, math and science), including class work that did not get completed that day. Please communicate regularly with your child, and support the use of the KMS planner. If you ask to see the agenda each evening, your child will see an expectation for its use, both at home and school. Since students may not always add all necessary details to the agenda, at home you may check online...
  • Be sure to regularly check Power School (there is an App for this) for grades and each teacher's classroom websites/Schoology for assignments, due dates, handouts, etc.
  • At the secondary level, when a student is absent from school he/she must make sure to complete the work missed from each class while away, as it will affect grades. Being absent (due to illness, appointment, vacation, field trip , etc.) from class does not excuse a student from the work assigned by teachers. It is a student's responsibility to find out what occurred while he/she was away.
  • Parents/Guardians are contacted at least one month before an annual IEP update is due. Meetings are available at 7:45 a.m. or 2:45 p.m. At the secondary level, students are invited to meetings regarding their education. Parents may choose to include their child for all or part of the meeting.
  • IEP progress reports are mailed home at grade reporting periods. You may contact me anytime to discuss your child's progress.
  • At home, parents may foster academic growth and independence during the middle school years by guiding your child to take on more responsibility. With regards to homework and test preparation, ask your child, "What is your plan?" If your child does not have a plan, help him/her get started. Encourage your child to ask for help when needed, keep track of his/her homework, break long term projects into daily tasks so the assignment is completed on time, and complete homework and prepare for tests with little to no adult help. With only 4 to 6 years of school remaining before high school graduation, the shift of responsibility needs to keep moving from adults to the student.
  • Encourage your child to read at home daily. "Resolve to edge in a little reading every day, if it is but a single sentence." ~Horace Mann

Eileen Collen, M.Ed.

Special Education Teacher (most efficient form of communication, checked regularly)

253-530-4159 (confidential voice mail, checked periodically)