Ms. Mendez

Attendance Secretary


Phone:  732-452-2807

Attendance Office Hours:  7am - 3pm

Student Pick Up for Early Dismissal
JPS 2019 - 2020 - Summary Attendance Policy.docx

Important Information:  Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day

In order to participate in take your son/daughter to work day—pupils between the ages of nine and fifteen will not be charged with an absence if, the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) provide a note verifying the work location visited. This can be done by submitting a note to the attendance office, OR emailing it directly to Please do not submit the verification more than once, it will create a delay in processing.

The note submitted must have the official letterhead of the company or location that the student visits. It must also contain verification of the student’s attendance by the organizer or company head (not by a parent). In order for the attendance to be correct and accurate, the note must be submitted after the date of April 25, 2024.

Furthermore, please do not submit the request for a religious holiday form for take your son/daughter to work day - these requests will not be processed.