Overview: Workflow module structure (Console)

Console > Workflows > Workflow modules > Overview: Workflow module structure (Console)

This article explains the general exterior and interior structure of workflow modules in the Workflows workspace in Console.

In this article


All workflow modules share the same exterior structure. They all include a title, a customizable name that you create to quickly identify the purpose of the module and ports. These ports are located on the top and bottom of the workflow module. 

A workflow module port is where data goes into the module when the path of a workflow session reaches the module, and the exit port is where data leaves the module once the workflow module has been processed. All workflow modules have one entry port. However, they differ regarding the number of exit ports they have. 

While all workflow modules look the same on the outside, they vary greatly on the inside. The interior structure of each module includes all the configurations you need to set up the module to work.  Visit the Workflows module library to learn more about each individual module and how to best configure it. 

This article outlines the basic structure of the outside and inside of a workflow module to help you better understand them.

Visual breakdown

Exterior of module

The exterior structure of modules is fairly similar across all modules. Familiarize yourself with each important area of the exterior structure below.

Interior of module

Unlike the exterior structure, the interior structure of each workflow module varies. 

Some modules are very simple and execute one specific action, and other workflow modules are more complex, so they execute more than one action. Familiarize yourself with the main interior features that are similar across all modules.

All other areas of the module are referred to as the Configuration Workspace. The contents of this area varies from module to module.

The Configuration Workspace is where you set up the module. Visit the Workflows module library to learn more about each workflow module and how to best configure the inside of it.