Overview: Workflow workspaces (Console)

Console > Workflows > Overview: Workflow workspaces (Console)

This article explains each of the workspaces of Workflows in Console.

In this article


In Console, the Workflows workspaces are where you can view and edit workflows. These workspaces include:

Continue reading this article to learn more about each of these workspaces.

List workspace

The List workspace is the first workspace you’ll see when interacting with workflows. This workspace is where you see all the workflows and folders of workflows currently built on your account.

Each workflow in the list can be in a different state of development. Some might be published and actively in use. Others might be published, but not in use. And others still might be in active development.

You can right-click any item in the list workspace to move or rename a workflow. You can delete folders, but you cannot delete workflows. You can use the Search bar to search for workflows. You can use the Create Workflow  button to create new workflows from this workspace.

View workspace

The View workspace is where you can look over a published workflow to get a sense of how it was designed.

Once you publish a workflow, you can’t make any further changes to it without duplicating a version. This means that, when you open a published workflow, the only immediate action you can take is to view it.

While you’re in the View workspace, you can do any of the following actions:

Editor workspace

Once you’ve created a new workflow, the next step is to build it. The workflow editor workspace is where you build out the logic of your newly created workflow. This workspaces consist of:

The workflow editor is where you use drag-and-drop functionality to add, configure, and link together modules to build a workflow. This workflow could contain one or several branches depending on its complexity. From this workspace, you can then publish the workflow to make it active and available for use.

You can also use this workspace to duplicate the workflow version, either as an exact copy or as a blank, fresh workflow to start anew with. A workflow can contain an unlimited number of versions.

Continue reading this article for more of the basics on building a workflow in the editor workspace.

Basics for building workflows

Each workflow has a starting point called a Start module

Once created, the Start module automatically populates into the workflow editor. From the Start module, you can build upon the workflow’s logic by adding and linking together modules from the Start module onward.

All branches of a workflow must have an ending point called an End module.

The End module tells the system when to terminate the workflow session. All workflows need at least one End module, and all branches of a workflow must end at a workflow module. All of your branches can share the same end module, or you can use individual end modules for each branch.

Once you’ve finished building the workflow’s logic, and each workflow branch has an endpoint, it’s time to publish, route, and test the workflow to ensure it behaves as expected. 

Manipulating and configuring workflow modules

Configuring a workflow module in the workflow editor workspace. The bar on the left is where you drag and drop modules onto the workspace.

After you drag and drop a module from the Workflows module library onto the editor, double click it to open it. The configuration workspace for a module is where you set one or more actions that Hammond executes when he reaches this point in the workflow. 

Some modules are very complex, so they could have lots of fields and toggles to configure. Other modules complete one action, so you won’t have as many settings to configure.

Below are all of the common actions that you’ll take when manipulating workflow modules in the editor.

Visual breakdown

Editor workspace - banner

Editor workspace - editor