Overview: Workflow Template folder and workflow templates (Console)

Console > Workflows > Overview: Workflow Templates folder and workflow templates (Console)

This article provides information about the Template Workflows folder, the template workflows available on all accounts, and the process for personalizing a workflow template.

In this article


There are a few default workflows that come out-of-the-box with each account. These default workflows are referred to as, “default workflows”, “standard workflows”, or “workflow templates”. We’ll refer to these workflows as workflow templates to underscore that they’re a starting point for building a workflow when you prefer to not start from scratch. 

Workflow templates are available on all accounts.

You’ll know you’re looking at a workflow template when the CREATED BY column is blank.

Most often, though, workflow templates are organized within the Template Workflows folder. There are lots of different types of templates within this folder. For example, there’s a template for user bulk creation, and there’s a template for crafting a customer callback experience. Navigate to this folder to find and copy the template to quickly start building a workflow.

Once you’ve selected a workflow template, copy it to be able to start customizing it for your account. 

In this article, we’ll go over the basics for workflow templates and how to work with a workflow template.

Template Workflows folder

There are a few workflow templates that are automatically available on all accounts. These templates are organized into the Template Workflows folder.

Once we release a workflow template, it becomes available to all accounts, whether the account was activated a month ago or 2 weeks from now. So, monitor this folder because we’re always adding more templates to this folder.

One last point to know is that after a workflow template is copied, that newly created workflow will populate in the main list of workflows. So, look outside of this folder once you’ve copied a template to start working with it.

Workflow templates

You can’t modify a template workflow. Templates are locked from changes to maintain the template for all accounts. Also, you can’t route to a workflow template to use it on your account until you’ve made a copy of a workflow template onto your account. 

Instead, copy a workflow template when you’re ready to start using it on your account in any way. Copying a workflow template creates a new, duplicated version of that workflow template that you can modify and start using on your account. A workflow template is only a read-only template - so copy a template when you want to start modifying and using it on your account.

Once the workflow template is copied, you’ll have access to the copied workflow’s editor. That’s when you can modify the workflow to personalize it. For example, if you want to use the Inbound IVR workflow template as a starting point for building your own inbound IVR, then start with copying the Inbound IVR template, and then notice that you’re directed to the copied workflow’s editor. Once inside of the editor, you can start modifying each workflow module and the workflow’s settings for your needs.

After you’ve customized the newly copied workflow to your needs, you’re ready for publishing and routing.

Below are some of the available workflow templates for all accounts. Know that we’re always growing this list, so check the Template Workflows folder to see the latest list of templates.

Here are some details about some of these workflow templates:

Again, you can’t modify a workflow template. Instead, you’ll need to first copy the workflow template to create a new, duplicated version of the workflow. Then, once copied, you’ll be able to modify and personalize it. From there, you can publish and route it to start using it on your own account.


1. Log into Console at console.avaya.cx

2. Navigate to Workflows.

3. Click on the Template Workflows folder.

4. Select the workflow template you want to modify.

5. Open the tri-dot menu located in the top right corner of the editor.

6. Select the Copy option from the menu.

7. Create a name for the new workflow you’re creating on your account from this workflow template. 

8. Click the Save button.

9. Notice the system creates a new workflow on your account and brings you to the editor for the newly created workflow that’s a duplication of the workflow template you just copied. At this point, it’s ready for customization, so start modifying and personalizing it for your needs. 

10. Publish it when you’re ready to route it and start using it.