Overview: Q Auto Pause setting in Users (Console)

Console  > Account > Users > Overview: Q Auto Pause settings in Users (Console)

This article gives an overview of Q Auto Pause setting in Users in Console.


Q Auto Pause is a feature that automatically changes the user’s status to ‘Away’ and displays a ‘Queue Auto Pause’ status message if a queue user misses or rejects a specified number of interactions. This status change prevents the user from receiving any more interactions until they manually change their status back to ‘Available’.

The number entered into the Max Missed Interaction Count field specifies how many interactions a user can miss or reject before their status changes to ‘Away’ and displays the ‘Queue Auto Pause’ status message.

In Console, navigate to Account > Users > [User] > Queue container to find the Max Missed Interaction Count field.

Example of the 'Queue Auto Pause' status message in App.

Note: AID Status Override must be disabled for Q Auto Pause to stop interactions from being delivered to a queue user.

You can disable Q Auto Pause for a user by typing the number zero into the Max Missed Interaction Count textbox.

Number of interactions missed

Since the Max Missed Interaction Count is set in Account > Users > [User], each user can have a different number of max missed interactions before their status will automatically change to ‘Q Auto Pause’. Once a user’s status changes to ‘Q Auto Pause’, you can view the number of interactions that were missed to prompt this status by looking at the number in parenthesis in the status reason.

This user's max missed interaction count is three.

Q Auto Pause status in Team View

If you are monitoring queue users in Team View, you can view all queue users status at once, or you can filter queue users by status. In the below screenshot, the queue users are being filtered by ‘Away’ status. Ellie Curry’s status is ‘Away’ with the status reason of ‘Q Auto Pause’.

This feautre is helpful for managers who are monitoring the status of queue users in Team View.

Use case

Suppose you want to configure Queue Auto Pause for a queue user. You want their status to change if they miss or reject two interactions. You would do the following:

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