Overview: Workflow Replay (App)

App > Workflow Replay > Overview: Workflow Replay (App)

This article provides an overview of the Workflow Replay workspace in App.

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In App, the Workflow Replay workspace is where you can review how a customer interacted with a workflow. Workflow Replay shows the path someone took in a workflow with a blue highlight around modules in the workflow. Workflow Replay also shows when a workflow ended prematurely (due to the customer hanging up, for example).

The Workflow Replay workspace shows the path (highlighted in a blue) a particular workflow session took through a workflow.

Workflow Replay is useful for building and testing workflows. If you’re building a workflow and testing it, you can use the Workflow Replay workspace to diagnose issues in the workflow’s logic before using it with customers.

You can also use Workflow Replay to quickly review any information gathered during a workflow. Any workflow module that collects data will show an information icon in the top-right corner of the module. Clicking the icon reveals any audio file or variable collected for use in the workflow.

Workflow Replay analyzes a particular workflow session to show the path it took. Continue reading below to learn more about workflow sessions.

What is a workflow session?

A workflow session is a period of time where a workflow is running. There are several things that can trigger a workflow to run, including:

Each workflow session has a unique identifier called the Workflow Session ID. To view a particular workflow session in Workflow Replay, you must provide the Workflow Session ID (see the next section for more information).

The Workflow Session ID textbox in the Workflow Replay workspace is where you provide the workflow session ID for the workflow session you want to review.

When you’re viewing a workflow session in Workflow Replay, you can view all of the technical information of the workflow session by selecting Workflow Session Data (accessible from the tri-dot menu).

Select Workflow Session Data to reveal the Workflow Session Data panel.

The Workflow Session Data panel shows technical information about the workflow session.

From the Workflow Session Data panel, you can view information about the workflow session, like:

The next section explains how to get a workflow session ID to view a workflow replay.

How do I get a workflow session ID?

The best way to view a workflow replay is to build a report to show you workflow sessions with a link to the Workflow Replay workspace, which shows you all of the completed and ongoing workflow sessions for a given workflow.

For more information, see: Create a report to list workflow session IDs (App)