Overview: Softphone multiline (App)

App > Softphone > Overview: Softphone multiline (App)

This article provides an overview of the multiline feature for the softphone in App.

In this article


In App, the multiline feature of the softphone (WebRTC) is where you can manage up to six phone calls at a time. This feature is available to Edify EX and Edify CX users.

Each inbound or outbound phone call occupies one of your six available phone lines. The lines fill up in ascending order, from left to right.

Softphone line status

Active line (green line key): An active line is a softphone line that’s currently hosting a phone call. This means a call is connected and you have access to all of the usual on-call buttons, like mute, transfer call, hang up, and more.

Ringing line (flashing green line key): A ringing line key is a softphone line that’s hosting an incoming call. Selecting a ringing line allows you to answer or decline the call.

Holding line (flashing red line key): A holding line is a softphone line that has a connected call currently placed on hold. Callers on a holding line hear the softphone hold music.

Open line (gray/white line key): An open line key is a softphone line that’s not hosting a call. The open line key will be white if selected or gray if  unselected.

Visual Breakdown