Overview: Softphone faxes (App)

App > Softphone > Overview: Softphone faxes (App)

This article provides an overview of the softphone fax workspace in App.

In this article


The UC fax workspace is located within the softphone. This is where users with UC faxing permissions can send and receive faxes through the system.

You can manage faxes through a group fax number or a personal fax number, depending on your company’s settings. So, unless your admin has configured your user to use a specific fax number, you have access to managing fax messages from any of your business’ fax numbers. This means you have access to sending faxes from -- and reviewing all the fax history for--  the specific number or set of numbers provisioned to your profile.

Note: Only .pdf, .docx, and .tiff files are supported.

Visual breakdown

Fax tab overview

Outbound fax message form

It’s simple to create and send faxes through the system. Once you’re ready to send an outgoing fax, click the create outbound fax button to open the outbound fax message form. This is where you define the important details for the fax, like where you are sending it from, where it’s going, and the subject matter of the fax. This is also where you create the cover page and attach the documents that you’re faxing. 

The time to complete the sending process is dependent on the fax machine’s connection; generally, if the connection is strong and the message is primarily text, then the faxing process should be completed within a few minutes. Fax messages containing images tend to take longer to complete due to the file size.