Perform a blind transfer on an interaction (App)

App > Queue > Interactions > Perform a blind transfer on an interaction (App)

This article explains how to perform a blind transfer on an interaction in App.

In this article


A blind transfer is an immediate transfer of an interaction to a user, queue, or external contact. Blind transfers don’t include a hand off or “warming” process like attended transfers.

When transferring an interaction, click Complete to initiate a blind transfer.

There are three overarching steps for performing a blind transfer:

Decide where to transfer the interaction (user, queue, or contact)

Select or enter the person’s name, queue name, or contact number. For transfers to Users and Queues, select a name from the list or search for the name using the search field. For transfers to Contacts, type in the external number you want to contact.

Finish the transfer by clicking Complete. This will end ownership of the call and your interaction will enter Wrap Up status.

Note: For voice calls transferred to Users, there are three options under Complete. Use these options to choose where the call will go if the transfer is not accepted. The options are Current Queue, Queue Voicemail, and UC Voicemail.

Note: If the transfer is being attempted to a non-queue user, the call will be transferred to the non-queue user’s voicemail.

You can cancel an interaction at any time before clicking Complete.

Perform a blind transfer to another user


2. Click Users.

3. Search or scroll to the user you want to transfer to.

4. Select the User.

5. Click Complete.

Note: The interaction disappears from your screen. It is sent to the new user to manage.

Perform a blind transfer to a user's voicemail, mobile number, or forwarding number


1. From an active interaction, click the transfer button.

2. Click Users.

3. Search or scroll to the user you want to transfer to.

4. Select the user.

5. Open the user entry menu.

6. Select User, Voicemail, or FW Number (forwarding number) from the user entry menu.

Note: The user's extension is set as the default transfer option.

7. Click Complete.

Note: The interaction disappears from your workspace.

Blind transfers to a queue


1. From an active interaction, click the transfer button.

2. Click Queues.

3. Search or scroll to the user you want to transfer to.

4. Click the queue entry.

5. Click Complete.

Note: The interaction disappears from your screen. It is sent to the new user to manage.

Blind transfers to an external contact


2. Click Contacts.

3. Click into the Phone Number field and enter the desired phone number.

4. Click the call out button.

5. Click Complete.

Note: The interaction disappears from your screen. It is sent to the external contact to manage.

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