Overview: Viewer controls for interactions (App)

App > Queue > Interactions > Overview: Interaction viewer controls (App)

This article provides an overview of the interaction viewer controls available to a user viewing a live or completed interaction in App.


The interaction viewer controls allow a user to monitor, take actions on, and take over an interaction assigned to another user. The interaction viewer controls vary based on the type of interaction.

The interaction viewer controls at the top of the details tab allow you to listen to the call, speak on the call alongside others, or take ownership of the call.

How to access viewer controls

3. Navigate to the small tabs panel in the top-left corner of the screen or navigate to the messaging text box at the bottom of the screen.

Viewer controls for voice interactions

Public and private viewer controls

The public and private viewer controls are the same. After you select Public view or Private view from the Action column, you will immediately be able to see the transcription, system messages, and view and send private messages in the interaction feed.

Click the listen button (speaker icon) to begin listening to the active interaction and access the other viewer controls.

After clicking the listen button, you will be able to see the following controls.

Claimed interaction controls

When you claim an interaction that has not been assigned to a user, you immediately gain access to all interaction controls. If the interaction is already claimed, clicking the crown icon will let you publicly view the interaction. If you want to take ownership of the interaction from the assigned user, click listen (speaker icon) > Claim (crown icon).

 Voice interaction perspectives

Queue user's perspective of a Public viewer

The viewer’s profile picture appears above the interaction controls.

Queue user's perspective of a Private viewer

There is no indication that anyone is viewing the interaction.

Viewer controls for email, messaging, and webchat interactions

Public and private viewer controls

The public and private viewer settings are the same. You will immediately be able to see the chat history, system messages and view or send private messages. You will also be able to claim the interaction by clicking the crown icon.

Claim button (crown icon) in the small tabs workspace.

Claimed interactions

When you claim an interaction that has not been assigned to a user, you immediately gain access to all interaction controls. If the interaction is already claimed, clicking the crown icon will let you publicly view the interaction. If you want to take ownership of the interaction from the assigned user, click the Claim button (crown icon).

Messaging and email perspectives

Queue user’s perspective of a Public viewer

The viewer’s profile picture appears above the interaction controls.

Queue user’s perspective of a Private viewer

There is no indication that anyone is viewing the interaction.

What if the interaction type changes while viewing an interaction?

Don’t worry! When an interaction type changes, the interaction controls will automatically be updated.

Use case

Suppose you have been training a new queue user this week and you want to help coach them through their first live phone interaction. You can use viewer controls to monitor and coach the new user.

First, you found the interaction in the home list, then you chose Public view from the Action column. You chose this option because you want the new queue user to know you have their back in case they have any questions or concerns. Once you are viewing the interaction, you select listen so you can hear the conversation between the new queue user and the customer.

At one point during the interaction, you notice the new queue user is struggling to answer one of the customer’s questions, so you send a private message to them with the answer. This helps the new queue user to handle most of the interaction. Towards the end of the interaction the new queue user informs the customer that their manager needs to join the call to approve the return. At this point, you (their manager) unmute yourself, review the return, approve it, mute yourself and let the queue user finish up the interaction.

The viewer controls helped you successfully coach your new hire through their first interaction!

But viewer controls aren’t just limited to coaching, there’s a number of different uses like private viewing an interaction for quality control, or claiming an interaction if you are better equipped to resolve the customer’s issue than the current queue user.