Coach a chat transcription (App)

App > Queue > Interactions > Coach a chat transcription (App)

This article explains how to coach a chat transcription in App.


1. From the Home list, select a completed interaction to coach.

2. From the selected interaction, click on the coaching tab.

3. Navigate to the coaching panel.

4. Click the coaching whistle button to enable active coaching.

5. Click the Chat Transcription tab.

6. Click the message you want to comment on.

7. Confirm your selection.

8. Choose a sentiment from the Select Sentiment menu.

9. Select the applicable sentiment, either:

a. Positive

b. Neutral

c. Mixed

d. Negative

10. Click into the comments field.

11. Enter any comments you have regarding the selected recording segment.

12. Click the Save button.

13. Click the Start new Coaching  button again to disable active coaching.