Create a direct message in Chat

App > Chat > Create a direct message in Chat (App)

This article explains how to create a direct message in Chat in App. You can create a direct message to either an internal employee or an external phone number as a text message.

In this article

Create a direct message to an internal employee

1. Click the plus icon to the right of direct messages.

2. Click into the Add User field.

3. Select the user to add to the direct message.

4. Notice the new user populates in the Add User field.

5. Repeat steps 3 - 4 until all users have been added to the direct message.

6. Click Create.

7. Notice the channel populates under Direct Messages with the coworker’s name(s) as the title of the chat.

8. Proceed with messaging.

Create a direct message to an external phone number as a text message

Note: In order to send an SMS from Chat, you need to configure your user to have a number to receive SMS.

1. Click the plus icon to the right of Direct Messages.

2. Select Create direct message.

3. Click into the Text message number field.

4. Enter the external mobile phone number.

5. Click Create.

6. Notice the channel populates under your Direct Messages list with the external phone number as the title of the chat.

7. Proceed with messaging.