SMS Delivery % Last 30 Days
standard report  (App)

App > Analytics > Report library > SMS Delivery % Last 30 Days standard report (App)

The SMS Delivery % Last 30 Days report is a standard report available on your account in the Standard Reports folder within Analytics.


The SMS Delivery % Last 30 Days report is a standard report available on your account for understanding your outbound SMS deliverability health. 

Use this report to quickly see how well outbound messages are being delivered from each of your outbound phone numbers for the last 30 days. This means you’ll be able to see information like, total outbound messages sent from each number and the delivery failure percentage for each phone number. Then, reference the SMS Deliverability Lookup By Phone Number standard report to dig deeper into specific SMS messages sent from a specific phone number.

Since this is a standard report, you can’t directly edit it. However, if this report doesn’t have all the information that you need, like you want to see more than 30 days of data, add more columns to the report, etc., then duplicate the report and then customize the newly duplicated report as you need.

This report is located in the Standard Reports folder in Analytics.

The SMS Deliverability Failed standard report is where you can see the total number of outbound messages sent from each phone number and their percentage of failure for the last 30 days.

Understanding this report

When viewing the report, you’ll quickly be able to see which phone numbers are successfully delivering outbound messages and which phone numbers are having high percentages of failures.

Also, use this report to see outbound message volume for the last 30 days for each phone number on your account, like which phone numbers have the highest number of outbound messages compared to those with the lowest number.

In short, this report shows this information for the last 30 days:

If you notice a phone number is performing poorly, or you just want to analyze its activity more deeply, then copy it and paste the phone number into the SMS Deliverability Lookup By Phone Number standard report, which is where you’ll see detailed activity for all outbound SMS messages for that phone number.