Create a report to track workflow usage (App)

App > Analytics > Report library > Create a report to track workflow usage (App)

This article explains how to create a report to track workflow usage in App.


This guide describes creating a report showing the paths your workflows take. Workflow usage reports are the foundations of Sankey charts, which show branches representing workflow module paths.

Workflow usage reports include the following information:

See the screenshot below for an example of the completed report. Continue reading this section for steps on how to create the report.

For more information about Sankey charts, see: Create a Sankey chart (App)


1. Log into App at

2. Navigate to Analytics.

3. Click the New Report button in the top-right corner of the screen.

4. Provide a name for the report in the pop-up modal and choose the Workflow Tracking data source.

5. Click the Save button to create the report.

Once you’ve created the report, you can configure columns, groups, and filters to show workflow usage. 

The Workflow Tracking data source is unique because its columns are preset; users can’t configure them. Instead, you can choose what workflow you want to view usage information for. You can also modify, add, or remove filters.

By default, the default filters show workflows that have started on the current date and haven’t ended yet.

6. Choose the workflow you want to view.

7. Choose the workflow version you want to view.

8. Click the Filters button to review filters. You can choose to delete or modify the filters to suit your needs.

9. Click the Save button in the top-right corner of the screen to save the report.

Next steps

To make the workflow tracking report more useful and readable, view this article on making a Sankey flow chart for it: Create a Sankey chart (App)