Rename a column in a report (App)

App > Analytics > Rename a  column in a report (App)

This article explains how to rename a column in a report in App.

NOTE: Once you rename a column, you’ll be able to reference the column’s original name within the column’s settings. Click the gear icon to open the column’s settings.


2. Click the gear icon to the right of a column to change its name.

3. in the text field, type a new name for the column. Notice that the column’s original name is viewable below the new name.

The ‘Completed Date/Time’ is the new name for the column, and the ‘Completed At’ is the original name for the column, which is always available here if you ever need to refer back to the column’s original name.

4. Once you’re satisfied with the name you’ve typed, click the Apply button.

5. Notice the new name becomes the new name of the column. 

6. Click the build button (tools icon) to populate report data.

7. Click the Save button (floppy disc icon) to capture changes to the report.