Overview: Report settings (App)

App > Analytics > Overview: Report settings (App)

This article provides an overview of report settings in App.

In this article


In App, the settings panel of a report is where you configure various report-wide parameters.

The Settings panel of a report

The settings panel controls report-wide parameters. Each report has its own unique settings panel, so you’ll need to configure the settings for each report you create.

The settings available in the report settings panel include:

Continue reading this article to learn more about these settings.

Accessing the Settings panel

To access the Settings panel, open the Editor workspace for a report. Then, click the tri-dot icon in the top-right corner of the report. Select Settings to see the Settings panel.

While in the Editor view of the report, click the tri-dot icon and select Settings 

Visual breakdown

Report Timezone

The Report Timezone field controls the date format for all date fields on the report. By default, all time values on a report are displayed in UTC. You can use this field to change the timezone of date columns on the report. Click the menu to reveal a list of time zones. Scroll / search through the list to find your desired time zone.

Merge report settings

The Add Report to Merge button lets you merge a report into the current report. You can merge any report that shares a common column with the current report.

To learn more, see: Tutorial: Merging reports (App)

Display Query Dropdowns

The Display Query Dropdowns toggle sets whether a variable-based dropdown appears when viewing a report that has a variable filter applied to it.

When creating a filter for a report, you can add a variable filter to the report. With a variable filter applied, you can dynamically search for data with data you provide while viewing the report.

In this screenshot, the variable filter is using the variable {{userId}}. This adds a query dropdown menu to the report (in the screenshot above, the userId menu). This particular report shows the number of interactions handled by a particular user. So, the {{userId}} menu is used to select a specific user to show their interaction handling data.

The Display Query Dropdown toggle determines whether the dropdown menu appears when viewing the report. This feature is useful when you want to temporarily restrict access to viewing data in a report.

Display Query Dropdowns enabled

Display Query Dropdowns disabled

SFTP settings

You can configure a report for SFTP export with the settings below:

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