Data source: Workflow Tracking (App)

App > Analytics > Data source: Workflow Tracking (App)

The Workflow Tracking data source is a collection of tables you can use to build reports to see the number of times different workflow paths are taken in App.

In this article


The Workflow Tracking data source is one of several data sources available in App. However, this data source is different from the others. It’s used for creating only one specific type of report, a workflow usage report. 

A workflow usage report shows the number of times a workflow path is taken for a specific workflow.

Here’s an example of a completed report that’s using the Workflow Tracking data source to evaluate the workflow paths for the workflow titled: ‘Documentation 1 - Inbound IVA - current version’.

The workflow usage report is the foundational report for building a Sankey chart, which is a chart that’s a visual representation of the number of times a specific path is taken for a workflow.

This Sankey chart shows the paths taken for this workflow. Hover over a path to see more data about it.

Each row in this report shows data for a workflow module reached during a completed workflow session for the timeframe set in the report’s filters. 

The row shows the number of times the workflow module was reached and the journey to reaching it, like:

Therefore, the Workflow Tracking data source allows you to build reports to see the number of times a specific workflow path was taken and the step-by-step flow of that path.

Workflow paths

When a workflow starts running, it moves from workflow module to workflow module until it reaches a termination point, creating a ‘path’. So, a workflow path is the step-by-step journey a workflow takes during a workflow session, and it has a beginning, middle, and end.

The Workflow Tracking data source shows the number of times a workflow module was reached during a workflow path, across all completed workflow sessions for the set timeframe.

Each module reached in the workflow path is represented by a number (i.e. path number). This means that the first workflow module reached has a path number of ‘1’. Then, the second module reached is ‘2’, the third module reached is ‘3’, etc. 

This process continues for all workflow modules reached until the workflow path ends.

 This report shows that the Say+Intent workflow module was reached four times as the 2nd point in the workflow path, and people branched from it in 3 different ways - one person went to the ‘Create interaction in Billing Q’ module, one went to the ‘Create interaction in Support Q’ module, and two went to the Create interaction in General queue’ module.

Use case

The use case for using the Workflow Tracking data source is for creating a workflow usage report. That report is then leveraged to build a Sankey chart.

Build a Sankey Chart to visually show the number of times a specific workflow path was taken for a workflow.

Column descriptions

This data source is not a collection of tables like other data sources. 

Instead, this data source is a collection of static columns that were aggregated specifically for creating this type of report and for building a specific type of chart, Sankey charts. You can’t add or remove columns.

Below are the columns available for this data source. They’re listed in the order that you’ll see them in App.

Workflow item type

The workflow module reached during the workflow path that’s being counted in that row of the report. 

The value displayed here is the system’s name for the workflow module. See workflow module library for a full list of workflow modules.

Workflow item label

The admin’s custom name for the module displayed in the Workflow item type column.

Previous workflow item

The workflow module reached before the module displayed in the Workflow Item Type column.

The value displayed here is the system’s name for the workflow module. See workflow module library for a full list of workflow modules.

Previous workflow item label

The admin’s custom name for the module displayed in the Previous workflow item column.


The number of times the module was reached during the timeframe defined in the report’s filters.

The value displayed here is a number. For example, if the module was reached one time during the defined time frame, then this column displays ‘1’.

Path number

The location of this module in the workflow’s path.

This column shows a numerical value. For example, if the module was reached first during the workflow path, then this column will display ‘1’. Therefore, the values you’ll see here vary based on the number of times a workflow module was reached during a workflow path.