Create a word cloud chart (App)

App > Analytics > Create a word cloud chart (App)

This article explains how to create a word chart in App.

In this article


A word cloud chart is a visual representation of the how frequently words appear in text. This text could be any text-based data, including:

A word cloud works by analyzing all of the words used in a data set (like a list of interactions). It then counts the usage of each word and sizes the words in relation to how often they were used (words in a large font mean they were used more then words in a smaller font).

This article will walk you through how to make a simple chart to show common phases used in interactions.


1. Log into App at

2. Navigate to Analytics.

3. Select the report you’d like to create the pie chart for. You can use any report that has a text-based column. 

4. Click the vertical tri-dot icon in the top-right corner of the screen. Then, click Edit.

5. Click the Charts tab in the left sidebar. Then, click plus to create a new chart.

6. In the New Chart modal…

7. In the left sidebar, locate the Word Column selector and choose the text column you want to display as a word chart.

8. Optional: In the Word Limit filter, enter a positive, whole number. This will limit the number of unique words included in the word chart.

9. Optional: Toggle “Exclude filler words” to remove all unimportant words from the chart (words like for, we, so, but, of, is, your, or, etc.).

10. Optional: In the Custom Filter Words filter, type any words that you don’t want to include in the chart.

11. Click the Save button in the top-right corner of the screen to finalize the chart.