Positive Behaviour for Learning

The Purpose of Values

When we all come from different homes and upbringings it is values that help us come together in positive, purposeful and meaningful relationships of aroha.

Our Values

To help us build strong relationships of aroha we focus upon four character values.

We have worked together as a school to define what our values mean.

PB4L Parent Handbook

PB4L Handbook - Parents

Acknowledging Our Values

Whānau Groups

 Whānau groups are vertical mixed groups (mixed age groups) from across the school.    We have five whānau groups. 

All children from the same family become members of the same school whanau.  

Each fortnight we bring the whanau together and as a family of children, they explore the meaning of each value and how they can show it in our school.

Around once a term we have whānau activities where we invite parents in to be part of our school.