
We know how important our own wellbeing is, and sometimes it can get lost in our busy lives. Our own wellbeing, and that of our family, is especially important during times like this.

On this page you will find resources for families to support wellbeing and mindfulness.

Our school's Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) Framework encourages students to always try to be Safe, Respectful Learners. Students are also explicitly taught about Social Emotional literacy in SEL, which fosters resilience, gratitude, positive thinking and coping strategies.

MIEACT has provided FREE support resources for schools and families. Parents of children in years 5 and 6 are encouraged to check out these digital online interactive mental health programs.

  1. ‘Mental Health and Me’ Digital Program

Audience: Years 5-8

Format: Digital online interactive mental health program

Link to Student Portal: https://mieact.org.au/portal/

Link to program information: https://mieact.org.au/workshops/mental-health-and-me/

Link to Teacher/Parent Resources: https://mieact.org.au//app/uploads/Mental-Health-and-Me-5-8-Teacher-Resource.pdf

  1. ‘Stress and Me’ Digital Program

Audience: Years 5-8

Format: Digital online interactive mental health program

Link to Student Portal: https://mieact.org.au/stress-and-me/

Link to program information: https://mieact.org.au/workshops/stress-and-me/

Link to Teacher/Parent Resources: https://mieact.org.au//app/uploads/Stress-and-Me-5-8-Teacher-Resource.pdf

Family Mindfulness

When it all gets too much in lockdown, take some time to enjoy some mindfulness with your family. It really can make a difference!

  • Take a listening walk - what do you hear?

  • Really taste what you are eating

  • Do a body scan - start at your toes and feel them move, then make your way up your body to your head

  • Enjoy the silence - try to all stay silent for 5 mins to begin with

  • Get outside for some fresh air. Take your shoes off and feel the grass under your feet

  • Create a mindful jar - fill a jar with water and some environmentally friendly glitter. Shake the jar and watch the glitter settle.

  • Go on a walking safari around your neighbourhood - look for bugs, creepy crawlies etc

  • Set a time aside each day as a family to turn off devices and do something for yourselves.

Help is Available

If you, or any of your family members, are finding the lockdown particularly tough, please reach out to us at school and we can direct you to support networks.

Our school psychologists can be made available to provide assistance through Telehealth for vulnerable children or those who are experiencing challenging circumstances. To access the service, a booking request may be made via an online form or by calling 6205 1559 between 9:00am and 4:30pm.

Services are available for the ACT community to access. Some suggestions are below.

  • Children and families can also find support through the KidsHelpline website, where there are resources and access to online counselling: https://kidshelpline.com.au/ Or, they can be called on 1800 55 1800

  • The ACT Education Directorate has a wealth of information about family mental health and wellbeing on their website: https://www.education.act.gov.au/support-for-our-students/wellbeing-support-resources-for-students-and-families