Studying Tips and Tricks

Studying is a skill!! Please take a few minutes to look over my "Study Smarter . . . Not Harder" Tips and Tricks Document.

How to Study .pdf

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)

In following with SPACHS school policy, my classroom fully utilizes the BYOD model of teaching. Students are required to bring fully charged devices to school every day. Parents/Guardians: please remind students to charge their devices every night as charging stations are limited and cords are tripping hazards in class. I highly encourage that students have a current version of Google Chrome as an available internet browser as my class utilizes Google Extensions and Applications every day.


In my classroom there are no rewrites for low-risk summative assessments (labs, projects, section tests, etc.). Students will be given time during class to ask questions and clarify concerns about any work each day. Along with this, students have access to formative assessments that prepare them and give valuable feedback.

Students will be provided with an optional replacement exam at the end of the semester in order to replace their lowest unit exam (high-risk assessment) mark. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about your child's mark. I always encourage students to take ownership of their grades and my door is open if they wish to discuss them.


All assignments must be turned in (either during class or through google classroom) on the due date. Should a student have an excused absence, they must have the work completed on the date of return. If that is not possible, communicate with me prior to your absence to set up a suitable due date. Should you require an extension for a valid reason, please make arrangements with me in person at least 24 hours before the due date. Please note not all requests for extensions will be granted. If assignments are not handed on the due date a temporary mark of zero (Not Handed In) will be entered into Powerschool and will effect the overall grade until turned in.

All Grade 9 Courses: Students will have five days to hand in the missing work. If not handed in after five days a permanent mark of zero will be given.

All 10/20 Level Courses: Students will have three days to hand in the missing work. If not handed in after three days a permanent mark of zero will be given.

All 30 Level Courses: Students will have 48 hours to hand in the missing work. If not handed in after 48 hours a permanent mark of zero will be given.

Cell Phones

During class instruction, tests and examinations phones are prohibited to be out and must be stored in student bags. As well, students are asked to remove any listening devices (i.e headphones) from their ears during these times. Phones will be permitted while working as long as students are on task and are using their phones for music or in a non-distracting nature. Cell phones are not for texting, social media or phone calls during class time. Cell phones are not considered to be effective or appropriate devices for our BYOD program at SPACHS.

Parents/Guardians: Please refrain from calling your child during class on their phone. If you need to get ahold of your child during class time (examples include they are being picked up, need to leave class early, etc.) please contact the office at 780-962-6618 and our office staff will connect you to my room, or you can email me with the information.

Missed Class

Do you need to miss a class? Do not worry and follow the "missed class" procedure:

  1. Look on the "What I Missed" Document to see what was covered that day.

  2. Watch the videos that cover the notes which are posted on Google Classroom.

  3. Check Google Classroom to see if any work was posted.

*Remember if in doubt contact Ms. Foster (Remind, Email, etc.)*

Parents/Guardians, if you are worried about your child missing school please do not hesitate to contact me.