
for the 2024-2025 school year

Hello Spartans!

We know that choosing your classes for next year is a big process with lots of information. Even though we are sharing information about classes and schedules with our students on campus, we want to make sure that everyone has access in one place so it's as easy to find as possible!

Everything that you need to select and request your classes for next year is right here:

The Registration Docs page has all of the "paperwork" that you need to request your classes. This includes:

  • the 2024-2025 Course Catalog
  • a PowerPoint presentation that walks you through important registration information
  • links to each of the specific grade-level forms for submitting your course requests (*you will need to be logged into your ECSD Gmail account in order to access your form)

The Programs page has links to videos and websites that some of our elective teachers have put together to help answer questions and share information about their classes and programs.

The Questions page has email contact information for each of the SCHS counselors. Please feel free to reach out with any questions!

All course requests for current SCHS 9th-11th grade students need to be submitted by Thursday, May 9th!

All course requests for current SCMS 8th grade students need to be submitted by Thursday, May 9th!

Please keep in mind - this process is for students who are currently enrolled in 9th-11th grade at SCHS and students who are currently enrolled in 8th grade at SCMS.

Below are PDF copies of the handouts we provided for students during our registration meetings. Our hope is that these will help guide students in considering and selecting classes for next year - and be a reminder of all the information we cover in our presentations!

8th Grade Registration - student handout.pdf

handouts for current 8th grade students

HS Registration - student handout.pdf

handouts for current 9th-11th grade students

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