Meeting Recap

Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at 12 pm ET

The Guaranteed Income and Worker Power roundtable was jointly hosted by Economic Security Project, Jobs for Justice, Community Change, and the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA. This event offered a forum for leaders from across the country to share, discuss, and reflect on how recent examples of increased worker power — including The Great Resignation, #Striketober, and more — were supported by direct federal cash payments provided as COVID relief. Grounded in this moment, these conversations were concerned with a broader question: how can a guaranteed income support labor organizing and help workers leverage their power? Below are some toplines from the conversation, as well as links to the recordings.

Chirag Mehta of Community Change

launched the meeting by situating us in the current moment of a global pandemic during which the U.S. provided sufficient cash relief so that poverty was reduced. And, at the same time, we’re seeing expressions of worker power with workers demanding higher wages and better working conditions. This potential relationship between guaranteed income and worker power holds a lot of implications for the guaranteed income movement and the labor movement, and our organizations have coordinated together to explore the potential relationships through a series of convenings, discussions, and roundtables.

Natalie Foster of the Economic Security Project

shared the vision of the Economic Security Project to build economic power for all Americans. She explained that guaranteed income — providing an income floor through which no one can fall — is grounded in a history of racial, gender, and economic justice in the U.S. By being responsive to current inequalities — not replacing social safety nets — and trusting individuals to know what is best, a guaranteed income provides economic stability and acknowledges the inherent dignity of its recipients. Guaranteed income pilot programs such as the Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration of Stockton, CA and the Magnolia Mother’s Trust of Jackson, MS have provided solid evidence that consistent cash payments alleviate financial insecurity and improve quality of life. Notably, guaranteed income challenges long-held beliefs about deservedness and gendered and racist tropes by providing economic security without wage-earning requirements which stem from anti-Blackness.

Erica Smiley, Executive Director of Jobs with Justice

was introduced by Foster following the highlighting of racial disparities in economic stability. Jobs with Justice is a union rights organization focused on establishing a multi-racial democracy and an equitable worker-centered economy. Smiley provided historical context for the recent examples of worker power, framing the current moment as a continuation of the ongoing battle for workers’ rights, democracy, and racial justice dating back more than 150 years. Smiley explained that the post-Civil War Reconstruction project to build a multiracial democracy in this country is largely incomplete, and has been continually interrupted by actors claiming control for a select few while continuing to exclude Black, Brown, Indigenous, and immigrant communities. Democracy must be applied to participation and decision-making in all aspects of life, rather than a narrow set of political practices; by that measure, Smiley asserted, the United States has far to go. Smiley shared that Jobs with Justice will continue to pursue democracy in all forms of public life, and desires to think about guaranteed income through the lens of building a stronger, healthier democracy.

Sara Nelson of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA

illustrated the promise of unions to improve workers’ lives by highlighting the victories of aviation workers during the pandemic. Entering the pandemic, unionized aviation workers were able to negotiate terms that allowed them to keep their healthcare, paid leave, and jobs through incredible disruption. Past crises, including 9/11 and the revocation of pensions, taught these workers to safeguard their benefits from corporate control. Nelson observed that a strengthened safety net has emboldened workers to see their individual financial insecurity as a larger systemic issue rather than as a personal failure. This shift in perspective has raised workers’ expectations for employers and increased interest in unionization across sectors. Increased unionization, she noted, is vital to an inclusive economy and a more powerful democracy.

Dorian Warren of Community Change and Heidi Shierholz of the Economic Policy Institute

engaged in a keynote conversation about the relationship between worker power and a robust safety net. Dorian set the stage by recognizing that a strong labor movement will encourage a robust safety net that allows all families to thrive, before asking Shierholz about current data on workers’ bargaining power. Shierholz shared that many sectors of the economy are witnessing clear signs of increased worker power, especially those that were hardest hit by the pandemic and have the lowest wages, including restaurant and hospitality work. People are quitting their jobs for better, more accommodating work, and hires are consistently outpacing quits. She reminded participants that increasing strike activity predates the pandemic; recalling teachers’ walk-outs in 2018 and 2019 that garnered attention. Shierholz noted that the most comprehensive data available on strike activity is still deeply inadequate, reflecting a need for better and more responsive data sources.

Warren then turned attention to policies to increase worker power, focusing especially on the recent reconciliation bill. Shierholz shared that the American Recovery Plan stimulates the economy by giving more money back to households, small businesses, and local governments, which promises to increase demand for goods and services and therefore for workers, critical to building worker power. In addition, she asserted that universal income boosts worker power by allowing laborers to be selective in what employment they accept.

During a participant question and answer period, Shierholz cautioned that recent gains are unlikely to last without policy change, including a strong safety net and addressing employers’ interference with organizing, reminding participants that the majority of workers across the country still do not have access to unions or representation, and that even with recent increases, wage levels remain too low to live on for many.

Following Sheirholz and Warren’s conversation, participants joined four virtual breakout groups for smaller, more intimate conversations focused on specific issues in the fight towards a more inclusive and equitable economy: research, policy design, labor, and messaging. Guiding questions for each of these rooms were:

Following Sheirholz and Warren’s conversation, participants joined four virtual breakout groups for smaller, more intimate conversations focused on specific issues in the fight towards a more inclusive and equitable economy: research, policy design, labor, and messaging. Guiding questions for each of these rooms were:

  • What do we need to know about the impacts of guaranteed income on labor power?

  • Can guaranteed income be designed with power building as the purpose?

  • What are the implications of guaranteed income on the labor movement?

  • How can we shape the emergent narrative?

In each room, these questions blossomed into a more conversational exchange, offering participants a chance to share their current work as well as ideas and requests for the future. In each room, participants developed questions for further exploration. Some of the core themes that arose across rooms centered on the relationship between unions and guaranteed income, how to inspire collective action around these questions, and reaching and involving workers who are not unionized. Members of each group agreed that the current moment provides a unique opportunity to learn, act, and initiate long-term changes, whether through academic research, new policies, building union membership, or inspiring collective action in communities.

After breakout rooms, participants came back together for some open conversation about the future of guaranteed income and worker power. A consistent theme during this conversation was the importance of centering workers, especially workers who have been historically excluded including Black and Brown workers and women.

Participants highlighted the need to shape a clear vision of what we are working toward and an inclusive narrative about the link between guaranteed income and worker power. This work of narrative and vision building needs to actively consider the historical exclusion of Black, Brown, Indigenous, and low-income communities; it should address pervasive and persistent anti-Blackness, facilitate the unlearning of existing narratives that alienate Black and Brown people, especially women, and specifically identify and address the needs of these workers.

Looking forward, participants made clear that future conversations about guaranteed income and worker power need to uplift the voices of those who are directly impacted so that these conversations can aid rather than stand in the way of those who are already mobilizing for these issues. A collaborative, worker-centered movement holds the potential to develop policy, and programs that both build power and expand guaranteed income.

Shelly Steward of the Aspen Institute Future of Work Initiative

summarized the day’s conversations and encouraged participants to stay engaged as the host organizations facilitate additional, deeper conversations and set an agenda for action.