

For this project you will need a piece of white paper, a pencil, scissors, a black marker, a yellow marker and another marker of your choice.

Step 1:

Fold your paper in half hamburger style. Then draw the shape in the picture to the left. This shape will be the glow of your flashlight.

Step 2:

Draw the head of your flashlight like the picture to the left. This goes underneath the glow.

Step 3:

Draw the handle of the flash light.

Step 4:

Color the oval of the flashlight yellow, and the head and handle whatever color you want.

It is important that you do not color the glow of the flashlight. It needs to stay white.

Step 5:

Use your black marker to trace your flashlight and glow. You can also add details like lines and a switch to your flashlight.

Step 6:

Cut out your flashlight and save it to light up next week's project!