Spring Daffodil


For this project you will need a piece of paper, a pencil and colored pencils.

Step 1:

Fold your paper in half, and then in half again to create 4 equal spaces.

Step 2:

Just to the right of the center line, in the top right rectangle, draw an oval.

Step 3:

Draw a small wavy line around the oval.

Step 4:

Add half of a rectangle to the back side of your oval.

Step 5:

Draw three petals in a triangle shape.

Step 6:

Add three more petals. One in between each of the ones you drew before.

These petals should look like they are behind the ones you drew earlier.

Step 7:

Draw a stem that goes just past the center fold line of your paper.

Step 8:

Draw the leaves from the bottom of the paper up to the stem.

Step 9:

Add some lines to your petals and a pistil to the inside of your oval.

FACT: A pistil is where pollen attached so that flowers can fertilize seeds and reproduce!

Step 10:

Add background detail for your flower.

Step 11:

Color your daffodil!

TIP: If you use more that one color on your flower, you can make it look more realistic by using the darker color where there would be shadows!