3D Flowers


For this project you will need several colors of construction paper, scissors, glue and a pencil.

Step 1:

Choose the color of construction paper you want your flowers to be. Mark every inch to 9 inches on both the top and bottom of your paper.

Step 2:

Take your ruler and match it up with the top and bottom marks to make 1 inch strips.

Step 3:

Cut out your 9 strips.

Step 4:

Choose a color of construction paper for your vase and draw a small vase design. The vase should only be about half of the paper tall that way you leave room for your flowers.

Step 5:

Cut out your vase.

Step 6:

Glue your vase to your background at the bottom of the page.

Step 7:

Take one strip of paper and put a glue dot in the middle. Glue that down to your paper.

Take another strip of paper, put a glue dot in the center and glue it to the center of the strip that is already glued.

Do this with three strips so it looks like the picture below.

Step 8:

Put a glue dot in the center and glue the end in. Continue this process until all strip ends are glued to the center.

You might have to go slow with this step to make sure that each glue spot holds.

Step 9:

Repeat steps 7 and 8 until you have 2 or 3 flowers.

Step 10

Cut out 3 circles of construction paper for the center of the flower and glue on.

Step 11:

Cut strips of green (or whatever color you choose) construction paper for the stems and glue on.

Then, decorate your vase with markers or crayons if you want!