Hair-do for an Emu


For this project you will need a piece of paper, a pencil, colored pencils and markers.

Step 1:

Draw 2 circles just above the center of the paper.

Step 2:

Draw a small hill shape under the eyes (circles).

Step 3:

Draw an upside-down mountain under the hill shape.

Step 4:

Now add your details. Add the pupils to the eyes and eyelashes if you want. Add nostrils and the mouth line.

Step 5:

Trace everything in black marker.

TIP: A sharpie would work the best. This way, when you color with other colors of markers it won't smear the black through the colors.

Step 6:

Use markers to color in the beak and the eyes.

Step 7:

With your pencil, LIGHTLY draw a head around your eyes and mouth, then add a long neck to the bottom of the page.

Step 8:

Choose a few colors of colored pencils and start to create little hairs.

Step 9:

As your hairs get close to the lines you drew for the head and neck, lighten up the lines with a pencil so they don't stick out under your colored hair.

Step 10:

Layer your multiple colors to create a colorful hair-do for your emu.